littleflute / english
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Chapter 3 #14

Closed littleflute closed 6 years ago

littleflute commented 6 years ago

var _parseFun = function (d,txt){
d.innerHTML = ""; var s = "#14 v0.0. 124 - "; s += "i.js* - "; s += "i.js"; blo0.blDiv(d,"#14", s,blColor[4]);

 var l = txt.split("bllist:");
if(l.length<2) {var t = blo0.blDiv(d,"_title_", txt,blColor[4]);
 var str = "var a = " + l[1];

 var t = blo0.blDiv(d,"_title_", a.title,blColor[4]);
 t.v = blo0.blDiv(t,"v", "v",blColor[5]);

 for(i in a.songs){
       var p = bl$("id_mp3Player");
       var dSong = blo0.blDiv(d,"_mp3_"+i, a.songs[i].mp3,blGrey[5]); = "2px solid blue;";
       dSong .onclick = function(_this, _s ){ 
            return function(){ 
               if(!p.dNow) p.dNow= null;
               if(_this!= p.dNow){
                 p.src = _this.innerHTML;  
                if(p.dNow) = blGrey[5]; 
                 p.dNow = _this;
        = blGrey[0]; 
                 t.v.innerHTML = _s.lrc;
       }(dSong, a.songs[i] )
       dSong .onmouseover= function(_this){                
            return function(){
               if(!p.dNow) p.dNow= null;
               if(_this!= p.dNow){ 
        = blGrey[3];
       }(dSong )
       dSong .onmouseout= function(_this){ 
            return function(){
               if(!p.dNow) p.dNow= null;
               if(_this != p.dNow){ 
        = blGrey[5];
       }(dSong )


littleflute commented 6 years ago

1 accompany

____ Accompany menas A. to go before. B. to go after. C. to go with.

littleflute commented 6 years ago

2 desperate

____ Desperate for means A. harmed by. B. in great need of. C. surprised by.

littleflute commented 6 years ago

3 determine

____ Determine means A. to regret. B. to remember. C. to discover.

littleflute commented 6 years ago

4 dispose

____ Dispose of means A. to ge rid of. B. to pay for. C. to use up.

littleflute commented 6 years ago

5 evident

____ Evident means A. useful. B. easy to see. C. unlikely.

littleflute commented 6 years ago

6 improper

____ Improper means A. common. B. useful. C. wrong.

littleflute commented 6 years ago

7 preserve

____ Preserve means A. to keep safe. B. to sell off. C. to seek.

littleflute commented 6 years ago

8 pursue

littleflute commented 6 years ago

9 rejection

____ Rejection means A. respect. B. not being accepted. C. bad taste.

littleflute commented 6 years ago

10 restore

____ Restore means A. to fix. B. to harm. C. to give away.

littleflute commented 6 years ago
  1. If you are ( desperate ) for food, that means you are in great need of it.
  2. When we say that something is ( evident ), we mean that it can be clearly seen or clearly understood.
  3. Do you like ketchup to ( accompany ) your French fries, or do you prefer them plain?
  4. At some fancy restaurants, it's considered ( improper ) for a man to show up without a jacket and a tie.
  5. There are several ways to ( dispose of ) things you no longer want: put them in the garbage, recycle them, or give or sell them to someone who can use them.
  6. The opposite of "acceptance" is " ( rejection. ) "
  7. To ( preserve ) a piece of furniture, protect it from too much heat, sun, and moisture.
  8. You can always ( determine ) which twin is which because Beth wears glasses, but her sister Lisa doesn't.
  9. Many athletes ( pursue ) an Olympic medal by practicing hours a day for years, but only a few athletes can actually win one.
  10. To ( restore ) an old table, you must first remove all the old varnish and paint.
littleflute commented 6 years ago

1-2. It is (evident ) that this old movie theater has been very well taken care of. The original seats and wallpaper have been (preserved ) since 1924. 3-4. Jill cn't ( pursue ) the scholarship offered by that company. Her father is on the committee that decides who wins the award, so it would be ( improper ) for her to apply. 5-6. The woman was ( desperate ) for money, so she decided to sell her grandmother's diamond ring. She was disappointed whe the jeweler ( dtermined ) that the diamond was a cheap imitation. 7-8. The owners of the old car are trying to dcide if they will ( restore ) it with new parts and alot of body work, or ( dispose ) it by giving it away. 9-10. I offered to accompany my friend to the tryout for the play, thinking that if she did not get the part, she might need help in dealing with the ( rejection ).

littleflute commented 6 years ago

Final Check

A. Fixing Up Furniture

I feel proud when I can fix up furniture that oter people have disposed of. Instead of spending a lot of money on new furniture, I'll recycle an old chair thrown out by a relative or an ugly bureau I've found in a neighbor's trash pile. I like the challenge of trying to restore them to their orighinal condition. I often find a beautiful piece of furniture hidden under many coats of paint or vrnish. At first it is hard to determine how good or bad the piece underneath really is. I must carefully remove the old paint or varnish. If it becomes evident that the quality of the piece of furniture is good, I sand it until it is smooth. Then I stain it to bring out the wood's natural lines and colors. Finally, I apply new varnish to preserve the wood from damage by water or excessive heat. Fixing other people's "junk" has been an inexpensive way for me to get some beautiful furniture.

littleflute commented 6 years ago

B. Barbara's Date with Her Cousin

Barbara can finally laugh about the time twenty years ago when she was so desperate for a date that she paid her cousin twenty-five dollars to go with her to the senior prom. She admits that she had very few dates in high school. However, when the prom tickets first went on sale, Barbara hoped that some suitable fellow would fall for her charms and ask her to the prom, and maybe even ask her to go steady. It didn't happen. Back then, people didn't think it was very "ladylike" behavior to actively pursue a date with a boy. But Barbara wanted to go to the prom so badly that she didn't care if her actions seemed improper. Despite her fear of rejection, she got up her nerve to ask Gary. He already had a date. So she asked Emilio and then Chuck. They also said no. One week before the prom, she called her cousin. He said, "Okey, but it will cost you. " He wanted ten dollars to accompany her to the dance and another fifteen dollars not to tell anyone at the prom that they were related.

littleflute commented 6 years ago

bllist: { "title": "Linda Chapter 3", "songs": [ { "mp3":"", "lrc":"", }, { "mp3":"", "lrc":"", }, { "mp3":"", "lrc":"", }, { "mp3":"", "lrc":"", }, { "mp3":"", "lrc":"", }, { "mp3":"", "lrc":"", }, { "mp3":"", "lrc":"", }, { "mp3":"", "lrc":"", }, { "mp3":"", "lrc":"", }, { "mp3":"", "lrc":"", }, { "mp3":"", "lrc":"", }, { "mp3":"", "lrc":"", }, { "mp3":"", "lrc":"", }, { "mp3":"", "lrc":"", }, { "mp3":"", "lrc":"", }, { "mp3":"", "lrc":"", }, { "mp3":"", "lrc":"", }, { "mp3":"", "lrc":"", }, { "mp3":"", "lrc":"", }, { "mp3":"", "lrc":"", }, { "mp3":"", "lrc":"", }, { "mp3":"", "lrc":"", }, { "mp3":"", "lrc":"", }, { "mp3":"", "lrc":"", }, { "mp3":"", "lrc":"", }, { "mp3":"", "lrc":"", }, { "mp3":"", "lrc":"", }, { "mp3":"", "lrc":"", }, { "mp3":"", "lrc":"", }, { "mp3":"", "lrc":"", }, { "mp3":"", "lrc":"", }, { "mp3":"", "lrc":"", } ] }