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chapter13 #162

Closed littleflute closed 5 years ago

littleflute commented 5 years ago

agonizing energetic foresight interval prosper strive substance tolerance trait withdraw

littleflute commented 5 years ago

agonizing I felt agonizing hungery after eating nothing for 8 hours.

energetic I'm not energetic enough to move that big stone.

foresight Do you have an foresight that what will happen tomorrow?

interval How long is the interval between the two houses?

prosper It is expected to prosper for the AI industry in the near future.

littleflute commented 5 years ago

strive He still strives to be a superstar in China. substance This kind of stone is a hard substance. tolerance Tolerance is one of his characteristics. trait My two sons's worst trait is that they don't like to speak to other people. withdraw You can't withdraw the words you have spoken out.