littleflute / english
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chapter17 #166

Closed littleflute closed 5 years ago

littleflute commented 5 years ago
  1. bewilder Don't let anybody bewilder you.
  2. communicate Please try to communicate with him.
  3. deceive Don't deceive me.
  4. earnest A good employee is earnest at work.
  5. emotion He hided his emotion very well.
  6. fiction My elder son can write very good fiction in English.
  7. investigate The policeman began to investigate the facts.
  8. legible His writing is legible to read.
  9. outspoken How do you know he is outspoken? 10.theory
    Do you agree with my theory?

1) The large new school at first bewildered Anton, but after a day or two, getting around was no longer confusing to him. 2) My grandmother's poor health bewildered her doctor until he found out she wasn't taking her medicines.

littleflute commented 5 years ago

1) Ruby and I rarely see each other, but we communicate often by sending text messages. 2) Even today, many people still communicate by telephone.

1) In order to deceive a buyer, a used-car seller sometimes turns back the mileage counter on the car. 2) Marcy deceived her boyfriend when she went out with Paul behind his back.

littleflute commented 5 years ago

1) I like our new babysitter because she is very earnest; she clearly takes her job very seriously. 2) Jimmy seemed earnest when he promised to clean the windows by Friday, so I was surprised to see he hadn't donw them.

littleflute commented 5 years ago

1) Stan rarely shows his emotions. We have to guess what he is really feeling. 2) Many people have trouble talking about their emotions, especially anger and fear.

littleflute commented 5 years ago

1) One of Mark Twain's most amusing pieces of fiction is his story about a Connecticut man who travels back to the time of King Arthur. 2) Some newspapers print obvious fiction, such as, "Nine-year-old girl has triplets who weight 100 pounds more than she does!"

littleflute commented 5 years ago

1) The FBI has been called in to investigate the disappearance of some important papers from government laboratory. 2) When I heard a noise downstairs at 3 a.m., I lay still in bed, too frightened to get up and investigate the situation.

littleflute commented 5 years ago

1) My father used to make me rewrite my sloppy homework. "I can barely read this," he would say, "Make it legible." 2) The fancy script on that new restaurant sign isn't very legible. Does it say "Peretti's," "Perelli's," or "Pepetti's"?

littleflute commented 5 years ago

1) Being outspoken doesn't have to mean being rude. I'ts possible to say what you really think without insulting other people. 2) The host of the radio call-in show is extremely outspoken. She's not afraid to disagree strongly with her callers.

littleflute commented 5 years ago

1) According to the theory of evolution, plants and animals have developed in ways that help them do well in their environment. 2) The detective's theory was that the killer was a short man with dark hair, but the murderer turned out to be a blonde woman wearing a dark wig.