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Chapter18 #167

Closed littleflute closed 5 years ago

littleflute commented 5 years ago
  1. assure No one can assure that it will not rain tomorrow.
  2. crucial He is the crucial witness to the event.
  3. divert If you keep on diverting the hot water from one cup to another it will cool down quickly.
  4. extraordinary Don't act in an extraordinary way.
  5. frantic Don't let the hen be frantic when she's laying her eggs.
  6. hostile Some people are hostile to strangers while others are friendly.
  7. humiliate Please don't humiliate anybody in public.
  8. impulse Don't buy anything with impulse.
  9. perceive Can you perceive the little bird on the branch of the tree over there?
  10. revive I need to revive my strength after playing basketball for a long time.
littleflute commented 5 years ago

1) If you leave jewelry in your hotel room, the hotel cannot assure you that it will be safe. 2) I asked the salesperson, "Can you assure me that this watch is really waterproof?"

littleflute commented 5 years ago

1) The trial had to stop when a crucial witness suddenly disappeared. 2) Protein is a crucial part of a healthy diet.

littleflute commented 5 years ago

divert 1) Traffic had to be diverted around the accident for several hours. 2)I tried to divert Mom's attention from the broken window by saying, "Look at all the windows I didn't break!"

littleflute commented 5 years ago

extraordinary 1) The restaurant made extraordinary attempts to attract new customers, even giving away free meals on certain days. 2) The cancer patient inspired others with the extraordinary courage she showed in dealing with her illness.

littleflute commented 5 years ago

frantic 1) The mother robin became frantic when we came near her nest, so we quietly backed away. 2) Because she thought she was going to miss her plane, Cyndi was frantic as she raced to the ticket counter.

littleflute commented 5 years ago

hostile 1) The hostile crowd threw tomatoes and eggs at the speaker. The cat acted hostile toward the new kitten, snarling and spitting at it.

littleflute commented 5 years ago

humiliate 1) Good teachers do not humiliate students for making mistakes by calling them names or holding up their work for everyone to see. 2) In dreams, people often humiliate themselves by doing things like going outdoors without their clothing on.

littleflute commented 5 years ago

impulse 1) People who go food shopping when they are hungry often get an impulse to buy something they don't really need. 2) Carmen had planned on staying home alone, but at the last minute she had an impulse to phone her new neighbors and invite them to come over that evening for coffee and cake.

littleflute commented 5 years ago

perceive 1) I perceive from the wonderful smell that someone is barbecuing ribs. 2) Hawks have such good eyesight that they can perceive a tiny mouse from hundreds of feet in the air.

littleflute commented 5 years ago

revive 1) Even if you've lost all desire to learn history, Mr. Berg, who is a wonderful teacher, can revive your interest in that subject. 2) No matter how tired our dog is, the question "Want to go for a walk?" will revive him.