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chapter20 #169

Closed littleflute closed 5 years ago

littleflute commented 5 years ago

1 disregard Please don't disregard the speed limit when driving on the free way.

  1. excerpt What's your favorite excerpt in the Bible? 3.exclude We don't want to exclude anybody in our class.
  2. hinder He said, "No one can hinder me to finish the job." 5.misleading Sometimes what you see is misleading.
  3. monotonous It's monotonous to do the same thing every day.
  4. obtain In order to get her degree as soon as possible, she studies hard.
  5. prey The hunter is searching for prey in the forest.
  6. seize The old man seizes his bowl firmly.
  7. severe When the weather changed last week, many people got severe cold.
littleflute commented 5 years ago

disregard 1) I suggested that Patty put some of her money in a savings account, but she disregarded my idea and spent it all. 2) The drive with Bruno was frightening. Even though the road was icy, he disregarded the speed limit and drove seventy miles an hour.

littleflute commented 5 years ago

excerpt 1) The New York Times printed all of the President's speech, but most newspapers printed only brief excerpts from it. 2) Previews advertise films by showing several excerpts, short scenes that will make people want to come see the whole movie.

littleflute commented 5 years ago

exclude 1) When you preserve pickles, you must be sure to exclude air from the jars. Otherwise, the pickles will spoil. 2) THe little boy ran crying to his teacher after other children excluded him from their game.

littleflute commented 5 years ago

hinder 1) Not having computer sills hindered Jane in her search for an office job. 2) Bad weather hindered the climbers on their hike up the mountain.

littleflute commented 5 years ago

misleading 1) The fact that the two close friends happen to have the same last name is misleading, Many people think they are really sisters. 2) My cousin may appear rich, but his fancy car and nice clothes are misleading. In reality, he owes thousands of dollars on his credit card.

littleflute commented 5 years ago

monotonous 1) The child in the supermarket kept repeating a monotonous request: "I want some candy. I want some candy. I want some candy." 2) My days had become monotonous. I got up, went to school came home, slept, then did it all over again.

littleflute commented 5 years ago

obtain 1) After completing the driver's education class, Reiko obtained a driver's license. 2) The soldirer obtained a three-day pass in order to attend his sister's wedding.

littleflute commented 5 years ago

prey 1) Because a cat's prey includes mice, farmers like to keep cats in their barns. 2) Movie stars are the prey of thoughtless photographers who will do anything to get a photo.

littleflute commented 5 years ago

seize 1) The woman screamed when a thief seized her pocketbook. 2) Before anyone could stop him, the baby seized the cat's tail and pulled.

littleflute commented 5 years ago

severe 1) A severe storm hit our area, causing great damage and several deaths. 2) Patients with the most severe illnesses are kept in a separate part of the hospital, where they receive special care.