littleflute / english
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Chapter 26 #177

Closed littleflute closed 5 years ago

littleflute commented 5 years ago
  1. associate My sons don't like to associate with other people.
  2. barrier Please help me to move the barrier from the middle of the road.
  3. estimate Can you estimate the result of the test?
  4. fatigue Fatigue can affect your work.
  5. flimsy A flimsy branch on a tree is easy to break off.
  6. hospitality They show us great hospitality.
  7. justify He always wants to justify his wrongdoing every time.
  8. mistrust When I was young my mother told me to mistrust every stranger.
  9. persecute It's illegal for a policeman to persecute a prisoner.
  10. soothe Nothing can soothe a broken heart.
littleflute commented 5 years ago

1) associate 1) My sister's house is always full of African American, Asian, Hispanic, and white kids, "I want my kids to associate with all kinds of children, not just children who look like them," she says. 2) The people next door don't associate with anyone in the neighborhood. They don't even attend the annual Fourth of July block party.

littleflute commented 5 years ago

2) barrier 1) To keep his little brother out of his room, Tim built a barrier of toys and clothing. 2) Not being able to read is a great barrier to success in today's world.

littleflute commented 5 years ago

3) estimate 1) I don't know how old my doctor is, but I estimate that she's about 60. 2) "I know you haven't figured out our final grades yet, but can you estimate what I might get?" Frieda asked her teacher.

littleflute commented 5 years ago

(4)fatigue 1) After Mike's first day of factory work, his fatigue was so great that he fell asleep during dinner. 2) You shouldn't drive when you are very sleepy. Fatigue can cause an accident.

littleflute commented 5 years ago
  1. flimsy 1) The next time a hard wind blows, that flimsy shed in our back yard is likely to fall down. 2) That old chair is so flimsy that the only family member allowed to sit on it is the cat.
littleflute commented 5 years ago
  1. hospitality 1) The family we visited in Mexico showed us true hospitality. "Our house is your house, “ they told us. 2) After their cousin had stayed for three weeks, eating their groceries and tying up the phone, the Petersons decided their hospitality had to end.
littleflute commented 5 years ago
  1. justify 1) Nothing can justify the cruel way that our neighbor speaks to her children. 2) Josie tried to justify eating her little sister's cookie by saying, "I was afraid she might choke on it."
littleflute commented 5 years ago
  1. mistrust 1) The way Donna's latest boyfriend won't give a straight answer to any question makes me mistrust him. 2) You should mistrust any e-mail that says you've won some wonderful prize. Chances are it isn't true.
littleflute commented 5 years ago
  1. persecute 1) Hitler and his Nazis persecuted not only Jewish people; they also killed and imprisoned Gypsies, gay people, and people with disabilities. 2) "Hate crimes" occur when attackers persecute victims because of the victims' race, color, religion, nationality, or sexual orientation.
littleflute commented 5 years ago
  1. soothe 1) Sometimes the sound of a vacuum cleaner will soothe fussy babies and help them go to sleep. 2) What soothes you when you're feeling tired and cranky? For me, a cup of hot tea and a warm bath usually help.