littleflute / english
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chapter27 #178

Closed littleflute closed 5 years ago

littleflute commented 5 years ago
  1. debate My wife debates everything with me.
  2. discredit Please don't discredit yourself.
  3. displace It's hard to displace a law.
  4. enforce The teacher enforces his rule in the class.
  5. enumerate He likes to enumerate other people's faults.
  6. identical To me, some Americans look identical.
  7. singular Is this a singular word or a plural word?
  8. sprawl There is a dog sprawling on the ground.
  9. spurt Please don't let anything spurt out of you mouth.
  10. stern He is a stern teacher.
littleflute commented 5 years ago

debate 1) Brad will debate anything. If you say it's a nice day, he'll say, "I don't know about that. Wasn't it a little too warm this morning?" 2) Over dessert, we were debating which was better--chocolate ice cream or vanilla ice cream.

littleflute commented 5 years ago

discredit 1) When his son was arrested, Mr. Kaufman sadly said, "You've discredited our family name." 2) The writer had stolen someone else's work and claimed it was his. When this was proved, it discredited him forever.

littleflute commented 5 years ago

displace 1)Why did the bathtub overflow when you sat down it it? THe reason is that your body displaced the water. 2)The endless wars in Afghanistan have displaced millions of families, who have been fored to seek safety away from their homes.

littleflute commented 5 years ago

enforce 1) You're not really supposed to take dogs in the park, but nobody enforces the rule. 2)The rule in our house is "one hour of TV a day," and our parents enforce it . If we're caught breaking the rule, we can't watch TV for a week.

littleflute commented 5 years ago

enumerate 1) On her list for Santa Claus, Emily enumerated all the books and toys she wanted. 2) As we argued, Jill began to enumerate all my faults. "All right, that's enough!" I finally said.

littleflute commented 5 years ago

identical 1) A famous story called "The Necklace" is about two necklaces that appear to be identical: one made of diamonds and another made of fake jewels. 2) To me, all stars look identical. How can anyone tell them apart?

littleflute commented 5 years ago

singular 1) The word "sheep" can be singular, referring to just one animal, or plural, referring to a whole flock. 2)Why do we say a "pair" of jeans? It's just a singular piece of clothing.

littleflute commented 5 years ago

sprawl 1) Hot and painting from his long run, the dog sprawled on the cool kitchen floor. 2) When I was a little girl, I thought my brother's high-school friends looked like giants as they sprawled all over our living-room chairs and sofa.

littleflute commented 5 years ago

spurt 1) Amy's brother made her laugh so hard at breakfast that orange juice spurted out of her mouth. 2) When I turned on the drinking fountain, the water spurted out higher and more powerfully than I expected and splashed me in the face.

littleflute commented 5 years ago

stern 1) On the job, our principal seems like a stern man; but at home, he's quite relaxed and friendly. 2) "John, come here this minute!" As soon as I heard my father's stern voice, I knew I was in trouble.