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discard 1) "Please don't discard your paper towel tubes," said the art teacher. "Save them and then bring them in for our prjojects." 2) My uncle wishes he had the comic books he discarded when the was a boy. They would be worth quite a lot of money now.
duration 1) My little sister held her hands over her eyes for the duration of the horror movie. 2) School was closed for the duration of the snowstorm.
essential 1) For the overnight trip, Eli packed only a few essential supplies, including his toothbrush, toothpaste, and a T-shirt to sleep in. 2) On her desk, Holly kept essential study items; highlighting pens, index cards, and a dictionary.
exhibit 1) The science teacher exhibited her bug-eating plants at this year's flower show. 2) Many parents exhibit their children's artwork on the refrigerator door.
juvenile 1) Puppies, like most juvenile animals, are extremely cute,.But be sure you know what that cute little puppy will grow into before you take it home. 2) Some TV cartoon shows are not meant for juvenile audiences and are shown at night, when most children are in bed.
mature 1) The largest living animal is the blue whale. A mature blue whale, when fully grown, can be over 100 feet long and weigh 300,000 pounds! 2) Although Ravi is old enough to get his driver's license, his parents don't think he is mature enough to be a safe driver.
miniature 1) It can take hours to play a regular game of golf, but miniature golf takes much less time because the course is so little. 2) Grandma gave my little sister a miniature tea set, made up of a tiny teapot and four little cups.
peer 1) In day care or nursery school, little children learn to share and play with their peers. 2) Our history teacher is going to an education conference next week. "It's fun to meet and exchange ideas with my peers from other schools," she said.
sanitary 1) "Don't let the puppy lick the baby's face!" said my sister, snatching her child away, "A dog's tongue isn't sanitary! The baby might get sick." 2) To protect their patients, doctors and nurses don't wear ordinary street clothes in an operating room. They wear special sanitary clothing.
tragic 1) The January 2010 earthquake in Haiti had tragic results -- the deaths of at least 230,000 people. 2) The play Romeo and Juliet tells of the tragic deaths of two young lovers whose families were enemies.