littleflute / english
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chapter30 #181

Closed littleflute closed 5 years ago

littleflute commented 5 years ago

1) accurate Some English words are hard to make an accurate pronunciation. 2) bluff You need to know how to bluff in this game. 3) consist This band consists of 6 boys. 4) discomfort After playing basketball for 2 hours I felt really discomfort. 5) elementary My younger son is studying in a elementary school. 6) latter There are two books on the desk, one is red, one is blue, I like to read the latter. 7) modify He knows how to modify an instrument for special use. 8) toxic No one like to smell toxic gas. 9) trifle Don't trifle other people's feelings if you want to make more friends. 10) vanity He is vanity about his basketball skill.

littleflute commented 5 years ago

accurate 1) When you're measuring medicine, it's important to be accurate. Too much or too little can actually harm the patient. 2) The spell checker program on my computer helps me make sure that my spelling is accurate.

littleflute commented 5 years ago

bluff 1) During her job interview, Lin didn't try to bluff. Instead of trying to suggest that she knew a lot about accounting, she simply said, "I will work hard to learn." 2) A good card player knows how to bluff. If he or she has a bad hand, none of the other players knows it.

littleflute commented 5 years ago

consist 1) Middle schools usually consist of grades five through eight. 2) "Egg creams" consist of milk, soda water, and syrup----but no egg and no cream.

littleflute commented 5 years ago

discomfort 1) My nephews always suffer discomfort the day after Halloween. They eat far too much of the candy they collect. 2) Jen felt such discomfort when she lied to her friend that she promised herself sh'd never tell a lie again.

littleflute commented 5 years ago

elementary 1) An elementary rule of science is this: What goes up must come down. 2) In her first computer class, Wanda learned some elementary skills, such as how to start up the computer.

littleflute commented 5 years ago

latter 1) When I was offered pumpkin pie or cherry pie, I chose the latter. Cherry pie has always been my favorite. 2) When two things are mentioned, the first one is often called "the former" and the second is called "the latter."

littleflute commented 5 years ago

modify 1) A mechanic can modify a car so it can be driven by someone who can't use his or her legs. 2) The dress Krystal made is like one she saw in a magazine, but she modified it by giving it long sleeves.

littleflute commented 5 years ago

toxic 1) After they learned that a company had dumped toxic waste nearby, Mr. and Mrs. Miller no longer wanted to buy the house they'd looked at. 2) It's very dangerous to mix bleach with other household cleaners. The mixture can create toxic gas.

littleflute commented 5 years ago

trifle 1) Alicia broke up with Ed because he trifled with her feelings. He would insult her in public and then say, "Why get upset? I was just kidding around." 2) "Never trifle with the truth," my dad used to say. "Nobody respects a liar."

littleflute commented 5 years ago

vanity 1) The wicked queen in "Snow White" was famous for her vanity. Every day, she asked a magic mirror who the most beautiful woman in the country was, and it said, "You are." One day, the mirror answered, "Snow White is more beautiful than you." That day, the queen decided Snow White had to die. 2) Because of Mark's vanity about his expert piano playing, he refuses to play anything for others, even for fun, unless he's learned it perfectly.