littlefs-project / littlefs

A little fail-safe filesystem designed for microcontrollers
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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LittleFS Display Directory Content #972

Closed GitonioDev closed 2 months ago

GitonioDev commented 2 months ago

I was looking for a simple arduino/c++ solution to use within the NodeMCU module. I noticed the solution provided was a little complicated for me and maybe related to modifying the LittleFS library itself (which I'm not sure, I'm just guessing). So I have come up with a simple function for listing all the files inside a directory (recursively). I hope it helps future noobies like myself! :D

void listAllFilesInDir(String dir_path)
    Dir dir = LittleFS.openDir(dir_path);
    while( {
        if (dir.isFile()) {
            // print file names
            Serial.print("File: ");
            Serial.println(dir_path + dir.fileName());
        if (dir.isDirectory()) {
            // print directory names
            Serial.print("Dir: ");
            Serial.println(dir_path + dir.fileName() + "/");
            // recursive file listing inside new directory
            listAllFilesInDir(dir_path + dir.fileName() + "/");

Use like this:

if (LittleFS.begin()) {

The output should be something like this:

File: /asset-manifest.json
File: /favicon.ico        
File: /index.html
File: /manifest.json      
File: /robots.txt
Dir: /static/
Dir: /static/css/
File: /static/css/main.1635e87c.chunk.css
Dir: /static/js/
File: /static/js/2.2c405b20.chunk.js
File: /static/js/3.8cb6885c.chunk.js
File: /static/js/main.435818a8.chunk.js
File: /static/js/runtime-main.00e2c71a.js

Originally posted by @jeot in

Hello all, im using the LittleFS libary out of the Arduino ESP32 Core 2.0.15 directly. And right now i am struggling to create a Dir Object cause as it says there should be a Directory Object and then LittleFS.openDir but i just cant do that, it says : "Dir was not declared in this scope" and i dont know how to do it

My Module: ESP32 WROOM

jeot commented 2 months ago



The snippet I originally provided was based on the LittleFS library by Arduino that probably used Littlefs-project (this repo) under the hood (although I'm not sure).

There are lots of examples and use-cases here:

GitonioDev commented 2 months ago

Hi, yeah i seen that method several times but its very slow and not good to display a lot of content the openDir variant looks more efficient and this function is more intended for my case

geky commented 2 months ago

This may be more useful to open as an issue in or related forums.

It does look like the upstream listDir is allocating (three times?) and looking up each path (twice?) during directory traversal, which is a bit wasteful...

But this is the core littlefs repo, we don't really have any control over the framework-specific layers.