littlejeem / control_scripts

A collection of scripts that control functions, primarily on my media pc
GNU General Public License v3.0
0 stars 0 forks source link - add flag to run with higher level of logging? #9

Open littlejeem opened 2 years ago

littlejeem commented 2 years ago

comments show verbosity levels add the -G flag for debug?

#verbosity levels
#+---"Check for Root"---+
if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then
  echo "This script must be run as root"
  exit 1
#+---"Set scrit name"---+
#+---Source helper script---+
source /usr/local/bin/
#+---"Set Variables"---+
#set default logging level
#+---"check if script already running"---+
#+---Set functions---+
helpFunction () {
   echo ""
   echo "Usage: $0 -u foo_user -d bar_drive"
   echo "Usage: $0"
   echo -e "\t Running the script with no flags causes default behaviour"
   echo -e "\t-u Use this flag to specify a user to install scripts under, eg. user foo is entered -u foo, as i made these scripts for myself the defualt user is my own"
   echo -e "\t-g Use this flag to specify a usergroup to install scripts under, eg. group bar is entered -g bar, combined with the -u flag these settings will be used as: chown foo:bar. As i made these scripts for myself the defualt group is my own"
   echo -e "\t-d Use this flag to specify the identity of the CD/DVD/BLURAY drive being used, eg. /dev/sr1 is entered -d sr1, sr0 will be the assumed default "
   exit 1 # Exit script after printing help