littlepadawan / TASS

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Spectra sporadically not being generated #4

Open littlepadawan opened 1 month ago

littlepadawan commented 1 month ago

There is a bug resulting in spectra sometimes not being generated. At the moment, it is unclear why.

Logs from running the interpolator and Turbospectrum are saved in the temp dir and reveals two different problems.


littlepadawan commented 1 month ago

GitHub does not support uploading the script files, but here is the content of the interpolation script for p5865_g+4.0_z-0.26_a+0.10_mg+0.51_ca-0.12:

#!/bin/csh -f
set model_path = /home/ida/Documents/thesis/model_atmospheres/1D

set marcs_binary = '.false.'

#enter here the values requested for the interpolated model 
foreach Tref   ( 5865 )
foreach loggref ( 4.01 )
foreach zref ( -0.257 )
set modele_out = /home/ida/Documents/thesis/wrapper/TASS/output/2024-06-04_0839/temp/p5865_g+4.0_z-0.26_a+0.10_mg+0.51_ca-0.12.interpol
set modele_out2 = /home/ida/Documents/thesis/wrapper/TASS/output/2024-06-04_0839/temp/p5865_g+4.0_z-0.26_a+0.10_mg+0.51_ca-0.12.alt

#plane-parallel models
set model1 = p5750_g+4.0_m0.0_t01_st_z-0.50_a+0.20_c+0.00_n+0.00_o+0.20_r+0.00_s+0.00.mod
set model2 = p5750_g+4.0_m0.0_t01_st_z-0.25_a+0.10_c+0.00_n+0.00_o+0.10_r+0.00_s+0.00.mod
set model3 = p5750_g+4.5_m0.0_t01_st_z-0.50_a+0.20_c+0.00_n+0.00_o+0.20_r+0.00_s+0.00.mod
set model4 = p5750_g+4.5_m0.0_t01_st_z-0.25_a+0.10_c+0.00_n+0.00_o+0.10_r+0.00_s+0.00.mod
set model5 = p6000_g+4.0_m0.0_t01_st_z-0.50_a+0.20_c+0.00_n+0.00_o+0.20_r+0.00_s+0.00.mod
set model6 = p6000_g+4.0_m0.0_t01_st_z-0.25_a+0.10_c+0.00_n+0.00_o+0.10_r+0.00_s+0.00.mod
set model7 = p6000_g+4.5_m0.0_t01_st_z-0.50_a+0.20_c+0.00_n+0.00_o+0.20_r+0.00_s+0.00.mod
set model8 = p6000_g+4.5_m0.0_t01_st_z-0.25_a+0.10_c+0.00_n+0.00_o+0.10_r+0.00_s+0.00.mod

#### the test option is set to .true. if you want to plot comparison model (model_test)
set test = '.false.'
set model_test = 'Testwebformat/p5750_g+4.5_m0.0_t01_ap_z-0.25_a+0.00_c+0.00_n+0.00_o+0.00_r+0.00_s+0.00.mod'

# interpolation program (for further details see interpol_modeles.f)
./interpol_modeles <<EOF
