litzvi / avc-beta

trying to build first demo for avc
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Retire old pos #601

Closed litzvi closed 2 years ago

litzvi commented 2 years ago

We need to have a place to retire old pos, so they don't show in dropdowns etc. I suggest we have a page to set pos process status to history after a while. This way we won't see them in cases we didn't use old stuff like in packing waste, old open orders that where only partly received etc. After adding it we will try adding NOT history criteria where needed.

litzvi commented 2 years ago

I think it should be in a very privileged place maybe in the page with remove management. Even David shouldn't handle it.

litzvi commented 2 years ago

I'll need to check very carefully where I'm implicitly including/excluding History, specially in queries

mei309 commented 2 years ago

if only we do it we will need to do it once in a while forever therefor i suggest some mechanism that puts them in history after a few month can be better and then have like a special setting somewhere so they can work with all if nedded. or we can make the dropdowns to be async with the backend and then it will get page by page

litzvi commented 2 years ago

if only we do it we will need to do it once in a while forever therefor i suggest some mechanism that puts them in history after a few month can be better and then have like a special setting somewhere so they can work with all if nedded. or we can make the dropdowns to be async with the backend and then it will get page by page

David can do it, meant just not in the beginning. moving things out by date doesn't really solve this problem.

mei309 commented 2 years ago

we still will need a mechanism to give reports also on that information

mei309 commented 2 years ago

i can add in all reports a o[tion with retired

mei309 commented 2 years ago

doing the page is very easy by me so just do the functions

litzvi commented 2 years ago

we still will need a mechanism to give reports also on that information

I don't mean to exclude it from reports that are usually fetched by date. it bothers in dropdowns and other places that aren't by date. Do you have a different solution? maybe call them all by date and have a check box if they want from all?

mei309 commented 2 years ago

i thing this solution is good so if you agree so please adjust the functions and let me know wants done

litzvi commented 2 years ago

I added startTime and endTime to the method you are using for waste

litzvi commented 2 years ago

I added startTime and endTime to the method you are using for waste

As we spoke, we don't need it, since they didn't fill much. (Can fix the ones they did) So better don't do it. But it's a good solution if we run into this problem in another place.

litzvi commented 2 years ago

About the open orders. I will add a field they can set isClosed for manually closing the order (default false of course), and you can add a place to close (like in management). what do you think?

mei309 commented 2 years ago

I added startTime and endTime to the method you are using for waste

will do it in next version

mei309 commented 2 years ago

About the open orders. I will add a field they can set isClosed for manually closing the order (default false of course), and you can add a place to close (like in management). what do you think?

its on the order or the po?

litzvi commented 2 years ago

About the open orders. I will add a field they can set isClosed for manually closing the order (default false of course), and you can add a place to close (like in management). what do you think?

its on the order or the po?


mei309 commented 2 years ago

ok. do the function and i will implement it

litzvi commented 2 years ago

com.avc.mis.beta.service.Orders.closeOrder(Integer processId, boolean closed) you close it by setting closed=true.

mei309 commented 2 years ago


litzvi commented 2 years ago

It doesn't need a separate page. it should be in management (in cashew open and in general too). Should be reversible/ option to open back again (set to false). need the option to do it from details of "all" not only from open table (specially for opening back).

litzvi commented 2 years ago

management i mean management in the details.

mei309 commented 2 years ago

I think it should be in a very privileged place maybe in the page with remove management. Even David shouldn't handle it.

i did because of this.

mei309 commented 2 years ago

and the normal management is process management and this is system management

mei309 commented 2 years ago

so i can put it on the details page only for system manager

litzvi commented 2 years ago

I think it should be in a very privileged place maybe in the page with remove management. Even David shouldn't handle it.

i did because of this.

that was before, when I was thinking of something for the whole po, not for a field in order (that's also reversible). It should be part of process management (same as finalize, cancel)

litzvi commented 2 years ago

so i can put it on the details page only for system manager

yes, but just a check box is ok. it's a small thing, don't show it too big.

mei309 commented 2 years ago


litzvi commented 2 years ago

I don't see it

litzvi commented 2 years ago

oh you put it as a button? that's really dangerous and unclear. I thought you're gonna put it in the Management where they finalize as a tick box. You should change it fast

mei309 commented 2 years ago

ok put it there. but i just put it it for system manager

litzvi commented 2 years ago

ok put it there. but i just put it it for system manager

no. for process manager

mei309 commented 2 years ago
