litzvi / avc-beta

trying to build first demo for avc
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a few bugs during testing with backend version 24.0 (angular 23.7) #633

Open litzvi opened 2 years ago

litzvi commented 2 years ago
  1. while editing cashew standard, marking text and then writing doesn't respond (double click and then type).
  2. Edit payment account (in supplier) doesn't work because you aren't setting the ordinal. (I think the same company contact)
  3. Cities aren't filtered after choosing country (in supplier address and company contacts), same for banks and branches.
  4. Can't remove contact person from supplier (just doesn't remove, in case filled Id card then also causes an error) - You need to remove with appropriate method.
  5. Inventory -> Inventory transactions freezes app - not sure why (was working before).
  6. Management -> Notifications, adding manager to process works but doesn't show in page.
  7. In production form, when choosing an item in the table section, shouldn't automatically choose by item. either put KG or leave empty (causes errors). You did it for count in relocation already, just do the same for production.
  8. Production form, in material used section, the helper popup 'weight amount' you added isn't working as expected. Receive salt: number units=1, unit weight=1000 and then try using in the production by kg/lbs .
  9. In container arrivals remove the mandatory (*) form loading port (they where putting wrong info). You can change it to destination port so they don't leave the whole shipping details empty (If it gives an error, need to check).
mei309 commented 2 years ago
  1. what fileds? because in fields of numbers only only numbers would work. so plese see that not the problem
  2. before you did it. and i think it should stay that way
  3. fixed
  4. not by me so please more details on what you do
  5. you retuning an array with one item that is null in case of no transactions. it should be or empty array or just null
  6. fixed
  7. done
  8. its working by me. so more details please
  9. done
litzvi commented 2 years ago
  1. what fileds? because in fields of numbers only only numbers would work. so plese see that not the problem

I edited the 'small size' and 'humidity' to 10 on the cloud. try changing back to 5. (I think it's when you put 2 digits) i.e. we need to remember to change back!

litzvi commented 2 years ago
  1. before you did it. and i think it should stay that way

I can't do it in edit (it will lose the previously set ordinal). In edit you need to get the ordinal and send it - just as all editable fields.

litzvi commented 2 years ago
  1. not by me so please more details on what you do

Now it seems to work.

litzvi commented 2 years ago
  1. its working by me. so more details please

hard for me to check, because your controllers are wrong. can't add anything (because you are using process.getId() when it's the DTO you sent. you need to get the returned id). Everywhere! it means you didn't even check one process.

mei309 commented 2 years ago

why you didnt change billOfMaterialService.addBillOfMaterials to return int? and im supposed to return the same DTO i got or call the new one?

mei309 commented 2 years ago
  1. what fileds? because in fields of numbers only only numbers would work. so plese see that not the problem

I edited the 'small size' and 'humidity' to 10 on the cloud. try changing back to 5. (I think it's when you put 2 digits) i.e. we need to remember to change back!

passed it to my errors on front end issues

litzvi commented 2 years ago

why you didnt change billOfMaterialService.addBillOfMaterials to return int? and im supposed to return the same DTO i got or call the new one?

You weren't using it, I changed it now. You need a new one. Otherwise how will you edit? You can look and compare to the files I fixed (on git).