Closed rafaponieman closed 3 years ago
Have you tried upgrading your neovim to the latest, i.e., 0.3.1? If the problem persists, you might want to file an issue in ncm2-tmux. I'm not an expert on fixing this issue. @roxma could help here :).
The exception message doesn't seem to be complete.
What's the result of :messages
Possibly related to
I have pushed an update. Please test the latest ncm2-tmux
same issue check if you had installed tmux
I'm sorry I didn't answer in time. I updated space-vim, all plugins and the jedi python package in my Virtualenv, and the first problem was fixed, I then installed tmux and that solved a similar error message that I got right after. Thanks a lot for your help!
Put the contents of
below:Problem Description
Getting an error with the latest version while having ncm2_tmux@yarp enabled by default. Disabling it (by exclusion of ncm2/ncm2-tmux) fixes the problem.
[ncm2_tmux@yarp] error caught in notification handler 'on_complete [{'filepath': '/home/rafa/www/espaciopla/web/espaciopla/', 'typed': ' date', 'scope_match': '', 'startccol': 5, 'scope_level': 1, ' word_pattern': '(-?\d\.\d\w)|([^\`\~\!\@\#\$\%\^\&\*\(\)\-\=\+\[\{\]\}\\\|\;\:\\'\"\,\.\<\>\/\?\s]+)', 'time': 1532909776.5298116, 'lnum': 24, 'bufnr': 12, 'changedtick': 1120, 'manual': 0, 'base': 'date', 'ccol': 9, 'filetype': 'python', 'curpos': [0, 24, 9, 0, 9], 'tick': [[0, 24, 9], 0], 'early_cache': False, 'context_id': 721, 'scope': 'python', 'matcher': {'name': 'abbrfuzz y'}, 'source': {'subscope_enable': 0, 'early_cache': 0, 'name': 'tmux', 'priority': 4, 'enable': 1, 'on_warmup': 'ncm2_tmux#on_warmup', 'ready': 1, 'mark': 'T', 'auto_popup': 1, 'on_complete': 'ncm2_tmux#on_com plete', 'on_completed': 'ncm2_tmux#on_completed'}, 'bcol': 9, 'match_end': 4}]'
Thank you!!