liuchengxu / space-vim

:four_leaf_clover: Lean & mean spacemacs-ish Vim distribution
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Use dein instead of vim-plug #500

Open rene-descartes2021 opened 2 years ago

rene-descartes2021 commented 2 years ago

IStartup time improved:

Above benchmark is using 'Vim' not neovim, and using:

"let g:spacevim_enable_plug_merge = 1    #default
"let g:spacevim_enable_plug_cache = 1    #default
let g:spacevim_layers = [
      \ 'fzf', 'better-defaults', 'which-key',
      \ 'programming', 'lsp', 'asyncomplete', 'syntax-checking', 'rust']
let g:spacevim_lsp_engine = 'vim_lsp'

The gap difference in startup time between dein and vim-plug will be larger with more plugins, in favor of dein. In addition to startup time, runtime responsiveness will be faster due to merging the runtimepath.

Other advantages of dein:

Disadvantage of dein:

Other effects of PR:

WIP problems to resolve before PR is ready for review: