liuchengxu / vista.vim

:cactus: Viewer & Finder for LSP symbols and tags
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Correctly indent text when using vista finder in floating window #333

Closed RonanMacF closed 4 years ago

RonanMacF commented 4 years ago

Describe the bug When fuzzy searching the names seems to be truncated which causes the alignment of the successive text to be off. Ideally the preview window would respect indentations


Vista info

    Current FileType: 
Avaliable Executives: ['coc', 'ctags']
    Global Variables:
    let g:vista = {'get_tagline_under_cursor': function('20'), 'winnr': function('18'), 'silent': v:false, 'source': {'fpath': '', 'bufnr': 2, 'get_winid': function('22'), 'fname': '', 'winnr': 1, 'extension': function('27'), 'line': function('25'), 'get_winnr': function('21'), 'filetype': function('23'), 'lines': function('24'), 'winid': 1000, 'line_trimmed': function('26'), 'scope_seperator': function('28')}, 'provider': 'coc', 'floating_visible': v:false, 'winid': function('19'), 'tmps': []}
    let g:vista#executives = ['ale', 'coc', 'ctags', 'lcn', 'nvim_lsp', 'vim_lsc', 'vim_lsp']
    let g:vista#extensions = ['markdown', 'rst']
    let g:vista#finders = ['clap', 'fzf', 'skim']
    let g:vista_blink = [2, 100]
    let g:vista_close_on_jump = 0
    let g:vista_cursor_delay = 400
    let g:vista_default_executive = 'coc'
    let g:vista_disable_statusline = 1
    let g:vista_echo_cursor = 1
    let g:vista_echo_cursor_strategy = 'both'
    let g:vista_executive_for = {}
    let g:vista_find_absolute_nearest_method_or_function = 0
    let g:vista_find_nearest_method_or_function_delay = 300
    let g:vista_fold_toggle_icons = ['▼', '▶']
    let g:vista_fzf_preview = ['right:35%']
    let g:vista_icon_indent = ['└ ', '│ ']
    let g:vista_ignore_kinds = []
    let g:vista_no_mappings = 0
    let g:vista_sidebar_keepalt = 1
    let g:vista_sidebar_position = 'vertical botright'
    let g:vista_sidebar_width = 50
    let g:vista_stay_on_open = 1
    let g:vista_top_level_blink = [2, 100]
    let g:vista_update_on_text_changed = 0
    let g:vista_update_on_text_changed_delay = 500

Steps to reproduce given the above info run Vista finder coc and type in any letters

Screenshot or gif (if possible) Screenshot 2020-08-23 at 15 5801

issue-label-bot[bot] commented 4 years ago

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liuchengxu commented 4 years ago

I suspect you are using the fzf finder, there is nothing vista can do as fzf is solely reponsible for this.