liuchengxu / vista.vim

:cactus: Viewer & Finder for LSP symbols and tags
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> Thanks for the info @masatake, anything I can do in vista.vim to detect if the u-ctags is recent enough so that people using the older u-ctags won't complain? #388

Closed masatake closed 3 years ago

masatake commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the info @masatake, anything I can do in vista.vim to detect if the u-ctags is recent enough so that people using the older u-ctags won't complain?

I don't find a good answer to the question. How about ./configure alike approach?

  1. vista developers list up all fields (field list) needed in vista.vim. You can choose them from ctags --list-fields.
  2. Before vista.vim calls ctags, vista.vim inquiries ctags which fields are available with following command line:
      u-ctags  --fields='NFPTtnksSaf' --_fatal-warnings /dev/null

    Here NFPTtnksSaf is the field list.

  3. vista.vim checks the exit status. If it is 0, all fields vista.vim needs are available.

In step 2., u-ctags reports which field is not available to stderr.

Originally posted by @masatake in

masatake commented 3 years ago

Sorry, I made this issue mistakenly.