liud4 / rVMAP

Data Management code for VMAC-MAP study
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update avg.superiortemporal.thickness code in derive_AD_signature.R #44

Closed omair-a-khan closed 4 years ago

omair-a-khan commented 4 years ago

Code is incorrect and should be as follows:

avg.superiortemporal.thickness <- mean(c(rh.superiortemporal.thickness, lh.superiortemporal.thickness))

omair-a-khan commented 4 years ago

It seems as though the code is incorrect for the following variables as well: avg.bankssts.thickness and avg.isthmuscingulate.thickness. These derived variables also need to be updated.

omair-a-khan commented 4 years ago

@liud4, please verify that the changes made to the code were made correctly. Thank you.

liud4 commented 4 years ago

The code is correct. However, I think you should try to avoid specifying outcome names in fit.1, ... fit.8. For example, fit.1 <- lm(formula = as.formula(paste0(mcevoy.Y[1], '~ age + sex.factor + intracranialvol')), data = derive_mcevoy.df, na.action = na.exclude)

omair-a-khan commented 4 years ago

That's a good idea. I'll make that change and close this issue. Thanks.