liufengyun / gestalt

gestalt : portable and solid macros for Scala
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fix static implementation #24

Closed liufengyun closed 7 years ago

liufengyun commented 7 years ago

The static implementation is now fixed, the new artefact released. Review @valdisxp1 .

liufengyun commented 7 years ago

Feel free to merge if you think there is no problem, @valdisxp1 .

liufengyun commented 7 years ago

You mean the previous implementation of static? I don't know either, the previous implementation was completely wrong due to my misunderstanding of Dotty.

valdisxp1 commented 7 years ago

I mean before this PR I'd expect it to have failed in macro expansion. The scope$$inline$ class does not have a method "mapTest". I would expect it to fail the reflection call with MethodNotFoundException.

// Source code recreated from a .class file by IntelliJ IDEA
// (powered by Fernflower decompiler)

public final class scope$$inline$ {
    public static final scope$$inline$ MODULE$;

    static {
        new scope$$inline$();

    public scope$$inline$() {
        MODULE$ = this;

    public int scope$$inline$_sum$$$anonfun$1/* $FF was: scope$$inline$~sum$$$anonfun$1*/(int _$1) {
        return _$1 * 2;

It is in the other class: scope$$inline.

// Source code recreated from a .class file by IntelliJ IDEA
// (powered by Fernflower decompiler)

import scala.collection.TraversableOnce;
import scala.compat.java8.JFunction1.mcII.sp;
import scala.gestalt.Toolbox;
import scala.package.;
import scala.runtime.BoxesRunTime;

public class scope$$inline {
    public scope$$inline() {

    public static Object is(Toolbox toolbox, Object prefix, Object T, Object a) {
        return toolbox.ApplyType().apply(toolbox.Select().apply(a, "isInstanceOf"), .MODULE$.List().apply(scala.Predef..MODULE$.wrapRefArray(new Object[]{T})));

    public static Object both(Toolbox toolbox, Object prefix, Object S, Object T, Object a) {
        return toolbox.Infix().apply(toolbox.ApplyType().apply(toolbox.Select().apply(a, "isInstanceOf"), .MODULE$.List().apply(scala.Predef..MODULE$.wrapRefArray(new Object[]{S}))), "&&", toolbox.ApplyType().apply(toolbox.Select().apply(a, "isInstanceOf"), .MODULE$.List().apply(scala.Predef..MODULE$.wrapRefArray(new Object[]{T}))));

    public static Object mapTest(Toolbox toolbox, Object prefix) {
        int sum = BoxesRunTime.unboxToInt(((TraversableOnce)scala.runtime.RichInt..MODULE$.to$extension0(scala.Predef..MODULE$.intWrapper(1), 5).map(scope$$inline$.MODULE$::scope$$inline$~sum$$$anonfun$1, scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq..MODULE$.canBuildFrom())).sum(scala.math.Numeric.IntIsIntegral..MODULE$));
        return toolbox.Lit().apply(BoxesRunTime.boxToInteger(sum));