liugangcode / GREA

[KDD'22] Source codes of "Graph Rationalization with Environment-based Augmentations"
MIT License
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abnormal density data #3

Open shijiale0609 opened 3 weeks ago

shijiale0609 commented 3 weeks ago

for density data in 'data/density_prop/raw/density_raw.csv' line 923 Cc1cc(C)c()cc1C,268 this density value is 268, which is obviously not right since other polymers' densities are all below 3. Could you help check the original data and update this value?

shijiale0609 commented 3 weeks ago

One more question, this polymer is not common, can you tell what is the monomer for this polymer?

liugangcode commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you for carefully checking the data. The abnormal data was due to a collection error and has been removed. The monomer is shown in the figure.
