liuggio / fastest

Simple parallel testing execution... with some goodies for functional tests.
MIT License
473 stars 65 forks source link

Final results as in human readable #107

Closed tarlepp closed 6 years ago

tarlepp commented 6 years ago


wunder@code-2017-VirtualBox:~/PhpstormProjects/fastest$ find tests/ -name "*Test.php" | php fastest -v
- 10 shuffled test classes into the queue.
- Will be consumed by 4 parallel Processes.
1/10    ✔       67 ms           tests/Process/ProcessorCounterTest.php
2/10    ✔       90 ms           tests/Queue/CreateTestsQueueFromPhpUnitXMLTest.php
3/10    ✔       68 ms           tests/Queue/Infrastructure/InMemoryQueueFactoryTest.php
4/10    ✔       134 ms          tests/Process/ProcessesTest.php
5/10    ✔       150 ms          tests/Queue/ReadFromInputAndPushIntoTheQueueTest.php
6/10    ✔       81 ms           tests/Environment/FastestEnvironmentTest.php
7/10    ✔       84 ms           tests/Process/ProcessFactoryTest.php
8/10    ✔       71 ms           tests/Queue/Infrastructure/InMemoryQueueTest.php
9/10    ✔       118 ms          tests/Process/ProcessesManagerTest.php
10/10   ✔       2112 ms         tests/Queue/CreateTestsQueueFromSTDINTest.php

    ✔ You are great!
    Time: 2292 ms, Memory: 4194304 b


wunder@code-2017-VirtualBox:~/PhpstormProjects/fastest$ find tests/ -name "*Test.php" | php fastest -v
- 10 shuffled test classes into the queue.
- Will be consumed by 4 parallel Processes.
1/10    ✔       310 ms          tests/Process/ProcessorCounterTest.php
2/10    ✔       338 ms          tests/Process/ProcessFactoryTest.php
3/10    ✔       340 ms          tests/Environment/FastestEnvironmentTest.php
4/10    ✔       441 ms          tests/Queue/ReadFromInputAndPushIntoTheQueueTest.php
5/10    ✔       186 ms          tests/Queue/Infrastructure/InMemoryQueueFactoryTest.php
6/10    ✔       286 ms          tests/Queue/CreateTestsQueueFromPhpUnitXMLTest.php
7/10    ✔       247 ms          tests/Process/ProcessesManagerTest.php
8/10    ✔       200 ms          tests/Process/ProcessesTest.php
9/10    ✔       181 ms          tests/Queue/Infrastructure/InMemoryQueueTest.php
10/10   ✔       2 s 218 ms      tests/Queue/CreateTestsQueueFromSTDINTest.php

    ✔ You are great!
    Time: 2 seconds 557 milliseconds, Memory: 4.00 MiB
alexislefebvre commented 6 years ago

I think that you can remove days and units above TiB. I don't think that anyone has a test suite that take an entire day. And I think that PHP can't handle more than 1 TiB or memory.

tarlepp commented 6 years ago

:D just want to be sure that all "cases" are covered :D

tarlepp commented 6 years ago


tarlepp commented 6 years ago

And actual real life example about that latest change.


wunder@code-2017-VirtualBox:~/PhpstormProjects/symfony-flex-backend$ find tests/ -name "*Test.php" | ./vendor/bin/fastest -v
- 103 shuffled test classes into the queue.
- Will be consumed by 4 parallel Processes.
1/103   ✔       7598 ms         tests/Integration/Doctrine/DBAL/Types/UTCDateTimeTypeTest.php
2/103   ✔       8188 ms         tests/Integration/Resource/RoleResourceTest.php
3/103   ✔       6673 ms         tests/Integration/Repository/RoleRepositoryTest.php
4/103   ✔       6357 ms         tests/Integration/Rest/Traits/Methods/FindMethodTest.php
5/103   ✔       17494 ms        tests/Integration/Entity/UserTest.php
6/103   ✔       6156 ms         tests/Integration/DTO/GenericDtoTest.php
7/103   ✔       7068 ms         tests/Integration/EventSubscriber/ExceptionSubscriberTest.php
8/103   ✔       7255 ms         tests/Integration/Form/Type/Rest/User/UserUpdateTypeTest.php
9/103   ✔       8815 ms         tests/Integration/SchemaTest.php
10/103  ✔       6810 ms         tests/Integration/DTO/ApiKeyTest.php
11/103  ✔       8908 ms         tests/Integration/Resource/UserGroupResourceTest.php
12/103  ✔       8448 ms         tests/Integration/Form/Type/Rest/User/UserCreateTypeTest.php
13/103  ✔       7111 ms         tests/Integration/DTO/UserTest.php
14/103  ✔       7764 ms         tests/Integration/Rest/ResponseHandlerTest.php
15/103  ✔       7283 ms         tests/Integration/Controller/ApiKeyControllerTest.php
16/103  ✔       7854 ms         tests/Integration/Entity/HealthzTest.php
17/103  ✔       6298 ms         tests/Integration/Repository/ApiKeyRepositoryTest.php
18/103  ✔       6054 ms         tests/Integration/Resource/LogRequestResourceTest.php
19/103  ✔       6196 ms         tests/Integration/EventSubscriber/AuthenticationFailureSubscriberTest.php
20/103  ✔       14126 ms        tests/Integration/Entity/DateDimensionTest.php
21/103  ✔       19144 ms        tests/Functional/DocumentationTest.php
22/103  ✔       6071 ms         tests/Integration/Form/Type/Rest/User/UserPatchTypeTest.php
23/103  ✔       6950 ms         tests/Integration/Rest/Traits/Methods/UpdateMethodTest.php
24/103  ✔       6979 ms         tests/Integration/Repository/LogLoginRepositoryTest.php
25/103  ✔       6104 ms         tests/Unit/Rest/SearchTermTest.php
26/103  ✔       6300 ms         tests/Integration/EventSubscriber/RequestSubscriberTest.php
27/103  ✔       6343 ms         tests/Unit/Security/ApiKeyUserTest.php
28/103  ✔       6823 ms         tests/Integration/EventSubscriber/BodySubscriberTest.php
29/103  ✔       8746 ms         tests/Integration/Rest/RepositoryTest.php
30/103  ✔       7980 ms         tests/Functional/Controller/DefaultControllerTest.php
31/103  ✔       118091 ms       tests/Functional/Rest/Traits/Actions/RootActionsTest.php
32/103  ✔       6979 ms         tests/Integration/Repository/UserRepositoryTest.php
33/103  ✔       6933 ms         tests/Integration/DTO/UserGroupTest.php
34/103  ✔       6862 ms         tests/Integration/Validator/Constraints/UniqueUsernameValidatorTest.php
35/103  ✔       6594 ms         tests/Integration/Repository/GenericRepositoryTest.php
36/103  ✔       7356 ms         tests/Integration/Rest/Traits/Methods/CountMethodTest.php
37/103  ✔       7698 ms         tests/Unit/Rest/RequestHandlerTest.php
38/103  ✔       6378 ms         tests/Integration/Rest/Traits/Methods/FindOneMethodTest.php
39/103  ✔       7185 ms         tests/Integration/Controller/UserGroupControllerTest.php
40/103  ✔       6593 ms         tests/Integration/EventSubscriber/AuthenticationSuccessSubscriberTest.php
41/103  ✔       6369 ms         tests/Integration/Rest/Traits/Methods/PatchMethodTest.php
42/103  ✔       6239 ms         tests/Functional/Repository/LogRequestRepositoryTest.php
43/103  ✔       5764 ms         tests/Integration/EventSubscriber/JWTCreatedSubscriberTest.php
44/103  ✔       6628 ms         tests/Integration/Repository/HealthzRepositoryTest.php
45/103  ✔       67410 ms        tests/Functional/Controller/AuthControllerTest.php
46/103  ✔       7103 ms         tests/Integration/Repository/DateDimensionRepositoryTest.php
47/103  ✔       6478 ms         tests/Integration/Form/DataTransformer/UserGroupTransformerTest.php
48/103  ✔       10021 ms        tests/Functional/Repository/RoleRepositoryTest.php
49/103  ✔       6694 ms         tests/Integration/Rest/Traits/Actions/Root/ActionTest.php
50/103  ✔       12701 ms        tests/Integration/Rest/RepositoryHelperTest.php
51/103  ✔       151400 ms       tests/Functional/Rest/Traits/Actions/AdminActionsTest.php
52/103  ✔       6757 ms         tests/Integration/Doctrine/DBAL/Types/EnumLogLoginTypeTest.php
53/103  ✔       6282 ms         tests/Integration/Utils/HealthzServiceTest.php
54/103  ✔       6684 ms         tests/Integration/Controller/UserControllerTest.php
55/103  ✔       7079 ms         tests/Integration/Rest/Traits/Actions/Anon/ActionTest.php
56/103  ✔       6999 ms         tests/Integration/Repository/UserGroupRepositoryTest.php
57/103  ✔       265582 ms       tests/Functional/Rest/Traits/Actions/AnonActionsTest.php
58/103  ✔       5891 ms         tests/Integration/Validator/Constraints/UniqueEmailValidatorTest.php
59/103  ✔       6889 ms         tests/Unit/Utils/Tests/PHPUnitUtilTest.php
60/103  ✔       6402 ms         tests/Integration/Resource/UserResourceTest.php
61/103  ✔       7657 ms         tests/Unit/Security/RolesServiceTest.php
62/103  ✔       6554 ms         tests/Integration/Form/Type/Console/UserTypeTest.php
63/103  ✔       6854 ms         tests/Integration/Rest/Traits/Actions/Logged/ActionTest.php
64/103  ✔       6751 ms         tests/Integration/Controller/AuthControllerTest.php
65/103  ✔       6525 ms         tests/Integration/Utils/LoginLoggerTest.php
66/103  ✔       6099 ms         tests/Integration/Rest/Traits/Actions/Admin/ActionTest.php
67/103  ✔       6100 ms         tests/Integration/Utils/RequestLoggerTest.php
68/103  ✔       6207 ms         tests/Integration/Repository/LogRequestRepositoryTest.php
69/103  ✔       12048 ms        tests/Integration/Resource/GenericResourceTest.php
70/103  ✔       6603 ms         tests/Integration/Form/Type/Rest/UserGroup/UserGroupTypeTest.php
71/103  ✔       220676 ms       tests/Functional/Rest/Traits/Actions/LoggedActionsTest.php
72/103  ✔       36657 ms        tests/Functional/Controller/RoleControllerTest.php
73/103  ✔       6197 ms         tests/Integration/Form/Type/Console/UserGroupTypeTest.php
74/103  ✔       7659 ms         tests/Integration/EventSubscriber/JWTDecodedSubscriberTest.php
75/103  ✔       21725 ms        tests/Integration/Entity/LogLoginTest.php
76/103  ✔       6675 ms         tests/Integration/Rest/Traits/Actions/Authenticated/ActionTest.php
77/103  ✔       6191 ms         tests/Integration/Rest/ControllerTest.php
78/103  ✔       9309 ms         tests/Functional/Repository/HealthzRepositoryTest.php
79/103  ✔       6747 ms         tests/Integration/Form/DataTransformer/RoleTransformerTest.php
80/103  ✔       14608 ms        tests/Integration/Entity/UserGroupTest.php
81/103  ✔       6683 ms         tests/Integration/Rest/Traits/Methods/IdsMethodTest.php
82/103  ✔       15067 ms        tests/Integration/Entity/ApiKeyTest.php
83/103  ✔       7779 ms         tests/Integration/Resource/ApiKeyResourceTest.php
84/103  ✔       6855 ms         tests/Integration/Security/ApiKeyUserProviderTest.php
85/103  ✔       23863 ms        tests/Functional/Controller/UserGroupControllerTest.php
86/103  ✔       6693 ms         tests/Integration/Rest/Traits/Methods/DeleteMethodTest.php
87/103  ✔       190336 ms       tests/Functional/Rest/Traits/Actions/UserActionsTest.php
88/103  ✔       23256 ms        tests/Functional/Controller/ApiKeyControllerTest.php
89/103  ✔       6542 ms         tests/Integration/Security/ApiKeyAuthenticatorTest.php
90/103  ✔       6154 ms         tests/Unit/Entity/RoleTest.php
91/103  ✔       7030 ms         tests/Integration/Resource/LogLoginResourceTest.php
92/103  ✔       7108 ms         tests/Unit/Utils/JSONTest.php
93/103  ✔       7451 ms         tests/Integration/Form/Type/Console/ApiKeyTypeTest.php
94/103  ✔       9831 ms         tests/Integration/Entity/RoleTest.php
95/103  ✔       29084 ms        tests/Integration/Entity/LogRequestTest.php
96/103  ✔       7922 ms         tests/Integration/EventSubscriber/UserEntitySubscriberTest.php
97/103  ✔       257983 ms       tests/Functional/Rest/Traits/Actions/AuthenticatedActionsTest.php
98/103  ✔       6615 ms         tests/Integration/Rest/Traits/Actions/User/ActionTest.php
99/103  ✔       6897 ms         tests/Integration/Rest/Traits/Methods/CreateMethodTest.php
100/103 ✔       11555 ms        tests/Functional/Repository/UserRepositoryTest.php
101/103 ✔       6573 ms         tests/Unit/IntegrityTest.php
102/103 ✔       6383 ms         tests/Integration/Controller/RoleControllerTest.php
103/103 ✔       110813 ms       tests/Functional/Controller/UserControllerTest.php

    ✔ You are great!
    Time: 10 minutes 3 seconds 718 milliseconds, Memory: 4.00 MiB


wunder@code-2017-VirtualBox:~/PhpstormProjects/symfony-flex-backend$ find tests/ -name "*Test.php" | ./vendor/bin/fastest -v
- 103 shuffled test classes into the queue.
- Will be consumed by 4 parallel Processes.
1/103   ✔       7 s 833 ms      tests/Integration/Rest/Traits/Actions/Anon/ActionTest.php
2/103   ✔       7 s 872 ms      tests/Integration/Rest/Traits/Actions/Admin/ActionTest.php
3/103   ✔       8 s 173 ms      tests/Integration/EventSubscriber/BodySubscriberTest.php
4/103   ✔       7 s 168 ms      tests/Integration/Rest/Traits/Methods/FindOneMethodTest.php
5/103   ✔       12 s 606 ms     tests/Integration/Rest/RepositoryHelperTest.php
6/103   ✔       6 s 101 ms      tests/Integration/EventSubscriber/JWTCreatedSubscriberTest.php
7/103   ✔       23 s 962 ms     tests/Functional/Controller/ApiKeyControllerTest.php
8/103   ✔       5 s 934 ms      tests/Integration/EventSubscriber/AuthenticationSuccessSubscriberTest.php
9/103   ✔       19 s 898 ms     tests/Integration/Entity/LogLoginTest.php
10/103  ✔       7 s 187 ms      tests/Integration/Entity/HealthzTest.php
11/103  ✔       7 s 483 ms      tests/Unit/Security/RolesServiceTest.php
12/103  ✔       6 s 863 ms      tests/Integration/Controller/UserControllerTest.php
13/103  ✔       6 s 52 ms       tests/Integration/Controller/AuthControllerTest.php
14/103  ✔       6 s 111 ms      tests/Integration/Doctrine/DBAL/Types/EnumLogLoginTypeTest.php
15/103  ✔       5 s 882 ms      tests/Integration/Rest/Traits/Actions/Root/ActionTest.php
16/103  ✔       8 s 985 ms      tests/Functional/Repository/HealthzRepositoryTest.php
17/103  ✔       6 s 145 ms      tests/Integration/Utils/HealthzServiceTest.php
18/103  ✔       6 s 461 ms      tests/Integration/Repository/LogLoginRepositoryTest.php
19/103  ✔       6 s 680 ms      tests/Unit/Utils/Tests/PHPUnitUtilTest.php
20/103  ✔       6 s 189 ms      tests/Integration/Utils/RequestLoggerTest.php
21/103  ✔       6 s 74 ms       tests/Integration/Form/Type/Rest/User/UserCreateTypeTest.php
22/103  ✔       6 s 768 ms      tests/Integration/Rest/ResponseHandlerTest.php
23/103  ✔       6 s 111 ms      tests/Integration/DTO/ApiKeyTest.php
24/103  ✔       6 s 344 ms      tests/Integration/Rest/Traits/Methods/IdsMethodTest.php
25/103  ✔       6 s 839 ms      tests/Integration/EventSubscriber/ExceptionSubscriberTest.php
26/103  ✔       6 s 100 ms      tests/Unit/Rest/RequestHandlerTest.php
27/103  ✔       7 s 917 ms      tests/Functional/Controller/DefaultControllerTest.php
28/103  ✔       6 s 160 ms      tests/Integration/Validator/Constraints/UniqueEmailValidatorTest.php
29/103  ✔       6 s 369 ms      tests/Integration/Form/DataTransformer/RoleTransformerTest.php
30/103  ✔       6 s 104 ms      tests/Integration/Form/Type/Console/ApiKeyTypeTest.php
31/103  ✔       6 s 287 ms      tests/Integration/Validator/Constraints/UniqueUsernameValidatorTest.php
32/103  ✔       7 s 240 ms      tests/Unit/IntegrityTest.php
33/103  ✔       6 s 795 ms      tests/Integration/Repository/UserGroupRepositoryTest.php
34/103  ✔       10 s 990 ms     tests/Functional/Repository/UserRepositoryTest.php
35/103  ✔       21 s 793 ms     tests/Functional/Controller/UserGroupControllerTest.php
36/103  ✔       6 s 208 ms      tests/Integration/Rest/Traits/Methods/PatchMethodTest.php
37/103  ✔       6 s 247 ms      tests/Integration/Resource/UserResourceTest.php
38/103  ✔       5 s 713 ms      tests/Functional/Repository/LogRequestRepositoryTest.php
39/103  ✔       1 m 48 s 274 ms tests/Functional/Rest/Traits/Actions/RootActionsTest.php
40/103  ✔       6 s 65 ms       tests/Integration/Security/ApiKeyUserProviderTest.php
41/103  ✔       2 m 54 s 765 ms tests/Functional/Rest/Traits/Actions/UserActionsTest.php
42/103  ✔       16 s 595 ms     tests/Integration/Entity/UserTest.php
43/103  ✔       7 s 138 ms      tests/Integration/EventSubscriber/RequestSubscriberTest.php
44/103  ✔       6 s 16 ms       tests/Integration/Doctrine/DBAL/Types/UTCDateTimeTypeTest.php
45/103  ✔       5 s 883 ms      tests/Unit/Entity/RoleTest.php
46/103  ✔       6 s 176 ms      tests/Integration/Controller/ApiKeyControllerTest.php
47/103  ✔       8 s 675 ms      tests/Functional/Repository/RoleRepositoryTest.php
48/103  ✔       6 s 542 ms      tests/Integration/DTO/UserGroupTest.php
49/103  ✔       9 s 296 ms      tests/Integration/Entity/RoleTest.php
50/103  ✔       6 s 396 ms      tests/Integration/Rest/Traits/Methods/CountMethodTest.php
51/103  ✔       5 s 952 ms      tests/Integration/Utils/LoginLoggerTest.php
52/103  ✔       6 s 129 ms      tests/Unit/Utils/JSONTest.php
53/103  ✔       13 s 120 ms     tests/Integration/Entity/UserGroupTest.php
54/103  ✔       6 s 376 ms      tests/Integration/Form/Type/Rest/UserGroup/UserGroupTypeTest.php
55/103  ✔       6 s 610 ms      tests/Integration/Repository/DateDimensionRepositoryTest.php
56/103  ✔       12 s 863 ms     tests/Integration/Entity/DateDimensionTest.php
57/103  ✔       6 s 173 ms      tests/Integration/DTO/UserTest.php
58/103  ✔       6 s 68 ms       tests/Integration/Form/Type/Rest/User/UserPatchTypeTest.php
59/103  ✔       20 s 169 ms     tests/Functional/DocumentationTest.php
60/103  ✔       2 m 25 s 117 ms tests/Functional/Rest/Traits/Actions/AdminActionsTest.php
61/103  ✔       6 s 69 ms       tests/Integration/Rest/Traits/Actions/Authenticated/ActionTest.php
62/103  ✔       4 m 1 s 741 ms  tests/Functional/Rest/Traits/Actions/AuthenticatedActionsTest.php
63/103  ✔       7 s 792 ms      tests/Integration/EventSubscriber/UserEntitySubscriberTest.php
64/103  ✔       14 s 983 ms     tests/Integration/Entity/ApiKeyTest.php
65/103  ✔       8 s 534 ms      tests/Integration/SchemaTest.php
66/103  ✔       8 s 698 ms      tests/Integration/Rest/RepositoryTest.php
67/103  ✔       7 s 229 ms      tests/Integration/Repository/GenericRepositoryTest.php
68/103  ✔       29 s 430 ms     tests/Integration/Entity/LogRequestTest.php
69/103  ✔       1 m 7 s 931 ms  tests/Functional/Controller/AuthControllerTest.php
70/103  ✔       8 s 308 ms      tests/Integration/Repository/HealthzRepositoryTest.php
71/103  ✔       7 s 445 ms      tests/Integration/Rest/Traits/Methods/DeleteMethodTest.php
72/103  ✔       6 s 145 ms      tests/Integration/Resource/ApiKeyResourceTest.php
73/103  ✔       6 s 971 ms      tests/Integration/Resource/LogLoginResourceTest.php
74/103  ✔       6 s 405 ms      tests/Integration/Repository/ApiKeyRepositoryTest.php
75/103  ✔       6 s 595 ms      tests/Integration/Rest/Traits/Actions/Logged/ActionTest.php
76/103  ✔       6 s 389 ms      tests/Integration/Repository/RoleRepositoryTest.php
77/103  ✔       6 s 209 ms      tests/Integration/EventSubscriber/AuthenticationFailureSubscriberTest.php
78/103  ✔       6 s 274 ms      tests/Integration/EventSubscriber/JWTDecodedSubscriberTest.php
79/103  ✔       6 s 603 ms      tests/Integration/Form/DataTransformer/UserGroupTransformerTest.php
80/103  ✔       6 s 300 ms      tests/Integration/Repository/LogRequestRepositoryTest.php
81/103  ✔       11 s 579 ms     tests/Integration/Resource/GenericResourceTest.php
82/103  ✔       6 s 912 ms      tests/Integration/Repository/UserRepositoryTest.php
83/103  ✔       6 s 198 ms      tests/Integration/Security/ApiKeyAuthenticatorTest.php
84/103  ✔       6 s 796 ms      tests/Integration/Resource/RoleResourceTest.php
85/103  ✔       6 s 532 ms      tests/Integration/Controller/UserGroupControllerTest.php
86/103  ✔       6 s 111 ms      tests/Integration/Rest/Traits/Actions/User/ActionTest.php
87/103  ✔       6 s 469 ms      tests/Unit/Security/ApiKeyUserTest.php
88/103  ✔       6 s 816 ms      tests/Integration/Rest/Traits/Methods/UpdateMethodTest.php
89/103  ✔       6 s 222 ms      tests/Integration/Resource/LogRequestResourceTest.php
90/103  ✔       6 s 222 ms      tests/Integration/Form/Type/Console/UserTypeTest.php
91/103  ✔       6 s 502 ms      tests/Integration/DTO/GenericDtoTest.php
92/103  ✔       6 s 194 ms      tests/Integration/Form/Type/Rest/User/UserUpdateTypeTest.php
93/103  ✔       6 s 949 ms      tests/Integration/Rest/Traits/Methods/CreateMethodTest.php
94/103  ✔       6 s 925 ms      tests/Integration/Rest/Traits/Methods/FindMethodTest.php
95/103  ✔       8 s 938 ms      tests/Unit/Rest/SearchTermTest.php
96/103  ✔       37 s 609 ms     tests/Functional/Controller/RoleControllerTest.php
97/103  ✔       7 s 595 ms      tests/Integration/Resource/UserGroupResourceTest.php
98/103  ✔       6 s 881 ms      tests/Integration/Controller/RoleControllerTest.php
99/103  ✔       6 s 170 ms      tests/Integration/Rest/ControllerTest.php
100/103 ✔       6 s 423 ms      tests/Integration/Form/Type/Console/UserGroupTypeTest.php
101/103 ✔       2 m 589 ms      tests/Functional/Controller/UserControllerTest.php
102/103 ✔       3 m 58 s 75 ms  tests/Functional/Rest/Traits/Actions/AnonActionsTest.php
103/103 ✔       2 m 59 s 463 ms tests/Functional/Rest/Traits/Actions/LoggedActionsTest.php

    ✔ You are great!
    Time: 9 minutes 50 seconds 174 milliseconds, Memory: 4.00 MiB
tarlepp commented 6 years ago

@alexislefebvre may those times should be just 103/103 ✔ 2m 59s 463ms tests/Functional/Rest/Traits/Actions/LoggedActionsTest.php

and not 103/103 ✔ 2 m 59 s 463 ms tests/Functional/Rest/Traits/Actions/LoggedActionsTest.php

That should save some space, or what do you think ?

alexislefebvre commented 6 years ago

@tarlepp According to the last column of this table on this Wikipedia article, there should be a space between a value and its unit.

So I vote for 2 m 59 s 463 ms, but m is the unit of a meter, so I would prefer min for minutes.

tarlepp commented 6 years ago

@alexislefebvre Fixed

DonCallisto commented 6 years ago

Is this ready to be merged?