liuggio / fastest

Simple parallel testing execution... with some goodies for functional tests.
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Support for Symfony 4 #112

Closed tarlepp closed 6 years ago

tarlepp commented 6 years ago

Symfony 4 was just released and I cannot update to that because currently package.json contains following:

"symfony/console": "~2.7|~3.0",
"symfony/stopwatch": "~2.7|~3.0",
"symfony/process": "~2.7|~3.0",
DonCallisto commented 6 years ago

I've changed composer.json as you can see here

Does it look good to you?

Moreover I'm not so confident with travis.yml file: should we build a better matrix to test against 2.7.x, 3.x, 4.0 and keep lowest deps in that matrix?

What do you think?

After that we can release a new tagged version (1.5.2)

tarlepp commented 6 years ago

yeah test matrix should cover all of those symfony versions. And that composer.json looks fine for me.

tarlepp commented 6 years ago

@DonCallisto so you're changing that travis config? or should we just release new version so that all sf4 users could use this already?

DonCallisto commented 6 years ago

I would like to test it against the matrix but I don't know where to start as I made some tries Saturday and I didn't succeed.

I'm gonna try it again, in a new branch, so we can try to make it work together.

DonCallisto commented 6 years ago

@tarlepp as you can see from this build maybe we should drop sf2.7 support (as it seems not to work correctly but I need to investigate further). Moreover we cannot keep support for behat2 (look at sf3 and sf4 builds). Maybe all those requirements should be for a new major version.

This is the commit that makes travis fail.


tarlepp commented 6 years ago

@DonCallisto I think "the best" way is to drop support old symfony from next major release of this library.

alexislefebvre commented 6 years ago

Note that Symfony 2.7 is still supported until May 2018:

But I think that users can upgrade from 2.7 to the 2.8 which is still a LTS release.

DonCallisto commented 6 years ago

@alexislefebvre I know that symfony 2.7 still has support but look at this: it seems that behat 2 not works with symfony 2.7.

How can we deal with this? I'll try to upgrade behat 2 minor version to see if it works. Let's see!

DonCallisto commented 6 years ago

Ok, we cannot use other versions of 2.7 because it's the only one. I've tried to replicate locally the error and, if I run behat, it gives the same error but I can see the class it claims not to be here at his place. I'm a little bit confused. If we managed this to work with 2.7 it would be great and we can move on to a next major version with only behat 3 and symfony > 3

DonCallisto commented 6 years ago

Looking closely to this, I've noticed that issue is not about symfony 2.7 and it's not about our fastest library: it's in behat with --prefer-lowest.

I'm going to open an issue directly in behat. Let's see what's happen

alexislefebvre commented 6 years ago

You can require a newer version of Behat to avoid error with --prefer-lowest.

DonCallisto commented 6 years ago

@alexislefebvre I do know this, and I suppose is gonna be the right choice as behat2 seems not to be maintained anymore.

alexislefebvre commented 6 years ago

I had a similar problem recently and changing 2.7.0 to 2.7.1 was enough to avoid an error with the --prefer-lowest flag: 2.7.0:

DonCallisto commented 6 years ago

Finally, I make it works: this is the commit

Had to drop php7.0 and hhvm support as symfony 4 components does not support them. I had also to drop php < 6 support for php 7.2 reasons and behat 2 as it's not maintained anymore.

I suppose that this should deserve a new major version (2)

@alexislefebvre, @tarlepp does it look good to you? Do you agree with this?

DonCallisto commented 6 years ago

Whops, forgot to restore symfony component versions. Gonna fix it immediately.

DonCallisto commented 6 years ago

Let's continue in #116