Closed xzzwandi closed 4 years ago
[:01000002] LAUNCH snlua bootstrap [:01000003] LAUNCH snlua launcher [:01000004] LAUNCH snlua cmaster [:01000004] master listen socket [:01000005] LAUNCH snlua cslave [:01000005] slave connect to master [:01000004] connect from 4 [:01000006] LAUNCH harbor 1 16777221 [:01000004] Harbor 1 (fd=4) report [:01000005] Waiting for 0 harbors [:01000005] Shakehand ready [:01000007] LAUNCH snlua datacenterd [:01000008] LAUNCH snlua service_mgr [:01000009] LAUNCH snlua main [:01000009] Server start [:0100000a] LAUNCH snlua protoloader [:0100000b] LAUNCH snlua console [:0100000c] LAUNCH snlua debug_console 8000 [:0100000c] Start debug console at [:0100000d] LAUNCH snlua logind [:0100000e] LAUNCH snlua logind [:0100000f] LAUNCH snlua logind [:01000010] LAUNCH snlua logind [:01000011] LAUNCH snlua logind [:01000012] LAUNCH snlua logind [:01000013] LAUNCH snlua logind [:01000014] LAUNCH snlua logind [:01000015] LAUNCH snlua logind [:0100000d] login server listen at : 8001 [:01000016] LAUNCH snlua gated 16777229 1 1 [:01000016] Listen on [:01000017] LAUNCH snlua msgagent [:01000018] LAUNCH snlua msgagent [:01000019] LAUNCH snlua msgagent [:0100001a] LAUNCH snlua msgagent [:0100001b] LAUNCH snlua msgagent [:0100001c] LAUNCH snlua msgagent [:0100001d] LAUNCH snlua msgagent [:0100001e] LAUNCH snlua msgagent [:0100001f] LAUNCH snlua msgagent [:01000020] LAUNCH snlua msgagent [:01000021] LAUNCH snlua world [:01000022] LAUNCH snlua scene 16777249 [:01000023] LAUNCH snlua scene 16777249 [:01000024] LAUNCH snlua chat [:01000025] LAUNCH snlua dbserver [:01000026] LAUNCH snlua dbserver [:01000027] LAUNCH snlua id_service [:01000009] KILL self [:01000002] KILL self [:0100000e] connect from (fd = 11) Cat:logind.lua[22] user, password 1 password DevelopServer [:01000025] Table 'UnityMMOAccount.Account' doesn't exist 1@DevelopServer is login, secret is 447e22468b387c3d Cat:msgagent.lua[50] user_info.agent 16777239 [:01000017] 1 is login [:01000026] Table 'UnityMMOGame.RoleList' doesn't exist [:01000026] Table 'UnityMMOGame.RoleList' doesn't exist [:01000026] Table 'UnityMMOGame.RoleList' doesn't exist [:01000026] Table 'UnityMMOGame.RoleList' doesn't exist [:01000026] Table 'UnityMMOGame.RoleList' doesn't exist [:01000026] Table 'UnityMMOGame.RoleList' doesn't exist [:01000026] Table 'UnityMMOGame.RoleList' doesn't exist
是的,详见 SkynetMMO 工程里 readme 的第三点:
[:01000002] LAUNCH snlua bootstrap [:01000003] LAUNCH snlua launcher [:01000004] LAUNCH snlua cmaster [:01000004] master listen socket [:01000005] LAUNCH snlua cslave [:01000005] slave connect to master [:01000004] connect from 4 [:01000006] LAUNCH harbor 1 16777221 [:01000004] Harbor 1 (fd=4) report [:01000005] Waiting for 0 harbors [:01000005] Shakehand ready [:01000007] LAUNCH snlua datacenterd [:01000008] LAUNCH snlua service_mgr [:01000009] LAUNCH snlua main [:01000009] Server start [:0100000a] LAUNCH snlua protoloader [:0100000b] LAUNCH snlua console [:0100000c] LAUNCH snlua debug_console 8000 [:0100000c] Start debug console at [:0100000d] LAUNCH snlua logind [:0100000e] LAUNCH snlua logind [:0100000f] LAUNCH snlua logind [:01000010] LAUNCH snlua logind [:01000011] LAUNCH snlua logind [:01000012] LAUNCH snlua logind [:01000013] LAUNCH snlua logind [:01000014] LAUNCH snlua logind [:01000015] LAUNCH snlua logind [:0100000d] login server listen at : 8001 [:01000016] LAUNCH snlua gated 16777229 1 1 [:01000016] Listen on [:01000017] LAUNCH snlua msgagent [:01000018] LAUNCH snlua msgagent [:01000019] LAUNCH snlua msgagent [:0100001a] LAUNCH snlua msgagent [:0100001b] LAUNCH snlua msgagent [:0100001c] LAUNCH snlua msgagent [:0100001d] LAUNCH snlua msgagent [:0100001e] LAUNCH snlua msgagent [:0100001f] LAUNCH snlua msgagent [:01000020] LAUNCH snlua msgagent [:01000021] LAUNCH snlua world [:01000022] LAUNCH snlua scene 16777249 [:01000023] LAUNCH snlua scene 16777249 [:01000024] LAUNCH snlua chat [:01000025] LAUNCH snlua dbserver [:01000026] LAUNCH snlua dbserver [:01000027] LAUNCH snlua id_service [:01000009] KILL self [:01000002] KILL self [:0100000e] connect from (fd = 11) Cat:logind.lua[22] user, password 1 password DevelopServer [:01000025] Table 'UnityMMOAccount.Account' doesn't exist 1@DevelopServer is login, secret is 447e22468b387c3d Cat:msgagent.lua[50] user_info.agent 16777239 [:01000017] 1 is login [:01000026] Table 'UnityMMOGame.RoleList' doesn't exist [:01000026] Table 'UnityMMOGame.RoleList' doesn't exist [:01000026] Table 'UnityMMOGame.RoleList' doesn't exist [:01000026] Table 'UnityMMOGame.RoleList' doesn't exist [:01000026] Table 'UnityMMOGame.RoleList' doesn't exist [:01000026] Table 'UnityMMOGame.RoleList' doesn't exist [:01000026] Table 'UnityMMOGame.RoleList' doesn't exist