It seems that there's a problem with the "max_iter" returning a floating value 10000.0 instead of an int value as expected in the LogisticRegression. Does anyone know how to solve this problem? Thanks
results = scAnno(query = obj.seu,
ref.expr = ref.expr,
ref.anno = ref.anno,
save.markers = "markers",
cluster.col = "seurat_clusters",
factor.size = 0.1,
pvalue.cut = 0.01,
seed.num = 10,
redo.markers = FALSE,
gene.anno = gene.anno,
permut.num = 100,
permut.p = 0.01,
show.plot = TRUE,
verbose = TRUE, =
[INFO] Checking the legality of parameters
[INFO] 30 cell types in reference, 29 clusters in query objects
[INFO] Deconvolution by using RLM method
[INFO] Logistic regression for cell-type predictions, waiting...
Error: sklearn.utils._param_validation.InvalidParameterError: The 'max_iter' parameter of LogisticRegression must be an int in the range [0, inf). Got 100000.0 instead.
It seems that there's a problem with the "max_iter" returning a floating value 10000.0 instead of an int value as expected in the LogisticRegression. Does anyone know how to solve this problem? Thanks