liuhuanyong / EventTriplesExtraction

An experiment and demo-level tool for text information extraction (event-triples extraction), which can be a route to the event chain and topic graph, 基于依存句法与语义角色标注的事件三元组抽取,可用于文本理解如文档主题链,事件线等应用。
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Argument types are supported! #18

Open eve-sjz opened 2 years ago

eve-sjz commented 2 years ago

init(): incompatible constructor arguments. The following argument types are supported:

  1. pyltp.Segmentor(model_path: str, lexicon_path: str = None, force_lexicon_path: str = None)

Invoked with:

运行之后会出现如上报错pyltp == 0.4.0, itp_data 3.4.0

WYBupup commented 9 months ago

运行sentence_parser.py出现同样的问题,把model_path放到构造函数里面之后可以运行,但是SementicRoleLabeller出问题,报错如下 image

WYBupup commented 9 months ago
