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告别GDAL,用Go Lang从ESRI File Geodatabase (FileGDB)快速解析数据(3) #251

Open liujiusheng opened 2 years ago

liujiusheng commented 2 years ago




文件命名格式为a[number in lowercase hex].[extension]

a00000001 是第一个文件, a00000002是第二个文件,且数字可能被跳过。

在 FileGDB v10中,前8个文件 (a00000001 to a00000008) 是固定不变的内置文件,被预留来保存数据库本身的元数据,后续的文件被用来存放实际的要素信息(a00000009, a0000000a, ...)


例如,FID 37的记录(这里采用的FID编号惯例是从1开始的)将在文件a00000025中(译者注:10进制的37用16进制表示为25)。在这个目录表中可能有被删除的行,因此在FID编号中存在空白。




  2. Type (UUID) : item type
  3. Name (string) : item/layer name. Matches the Name field of the GDB_SystemCatalog
  4. PhysicalName (string) : item/layer name in upper case characters.
  5. Path (string) : "\mylayername" for top-level layers or "\myfeaturedataset\mylayername" for layers attached to a feature dataset "myfeaturedataset"
  6. DatasetSubType1 (int32) : 1 for user tables (TBC)
  7. DatasetSubType2 (int32) : layer geometry type. 1 for point layer, 2 for multipoint layers, 3 for linestring layers, 4 for polygon layers
  8. DatasetInfo1 (string) : "SHAPE" for user tables (TBC)
  9. DatasetInfo2 (string) : NULL for user tables (TBC)
  10. URL (string) : empty string (TBC)
  11. Definition (XML) : DEFeatureClassInfo XML element. Contains an XML version of the information that can be obtained by parsing the header of a table : fields, SRS, ...
  12. Documentation (XML) : metadata XML element
  13. ItemInfo (XML) : NULL for user tables (TBC)
  14. Properties (int32) : 1 for user tables (TBC)
  15. Defaults (binary) : absent for user tables (TBC)
  16. Shape (geometry) : 5 point polygon listing the corner of the bounding box of the layer reprojected into EPSG:4326 (even if the layer SRS is not EPSG:4326). Or missing if the layer SRS is undefined.


  1. The first record is reserved for a kind of root item ( Name = "", Path = "" ).
  2. The second record is reserved for a Name = "Workspace" item, Path = "", Definition containing a DEWorkspace XML element
  3. When there are feature datatesets, they also appear as records : e.g. Name = "featuredataset", PhysicalName = "FEATUREDATASET", Path = "\FEATUREDATASET", Definition containing a DEFeatureDataset XML element