liuliu / ccv

C-based/Cached/Core Computer Vision Library, A Modern Computer Vision Library
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Nice gui for testing SWT parameters with yad #173

Open liloman opened 8 years ago

liloman commented 8 years ago


I'm testing SWT and I needed to adjust the default settings for SWT and to be sure they were the best for my use case.

So I made a gui with yad (really nice software to make gui with scripts) and a little of bash script to change them and test them on the fly.

I'm not really sure about the ranges so I just set what sounded right for me. :cake:


liloman commented 8 years ago

What's your impression?

By the way I'm still working with SWT and I have discovered a few bugs and made a few improvements (speed and features) "debuging" with this tool.

liuliu commented 8 years ago

Would love to know the bug fixes and improvements.

On the GUI side, ccv itself is maintained without any GUI components, and I would be hesitate to add any of these dependencies. Need to put more thoughts into this.

liloman commented 8 years ago


One last thing before starting pulling requests. :) How should I test the changes? I have observed that there is a bin/swtcreate with same kind of testing but I don't know how to test it. How did you test it?

As I said before I'm testing the changes with this gui (brushed up with more stuff) and some images, mostly tough, like the ones you can found here, and some "regular" text images.

My main goal is to reach something alike than that webpage, but for real not that "sci-fi" that he says his software reach. :S

liuliu commented 8 years ago

The way to test swt is not thoroughly documented: I tested it on ICDAR 2011 test dataset, which comes with a evaluation script as well.

liloman commented 8 years ago

I finally tested my work on ICDAR 2015 and it was slightly worse than yours. ;)

I recommend you to try ICDAR 2015 they did an awesome webpage where you can test and view yours and others results with great UX.

ICDAR 2015

The users explain what path they chose and some got almost 100% accuracy so great ideas over there...

Anyway I'll pull some requests over this week on some minor issues I detected on your work. :) edit: Fixed link