liumcse / ntuvibe

NTUVibe is a student-run online platform committed to making information at Nanyang Technological University more open and accessible.
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Feature/schedule #85

Closed ZaynJarvis closed 5 years ago

ZaynJarvis commented 5 years ago

the feature only implemented upon user using import schedule feature.

Recommend to put and update the raw text to aws server so as to maximize code reuse.

TODO: regex in original raw text processing.

ZaynJarvis commented 5 years ago

exam schedule feature for data retrieved from users has been implemented. However, I'm not able to test from localhost and netlify. Cors needs to give access to netlify for feature testing. Otherwise, tests being implemented will be a great feature.

liumcse commented 5 years ago


liumcse commented 5 years ago

Looking great!

ZaynJarvis commented 5 years ago

Calendar retrieved from AWS is also working as expected.

liumcse commented 5 years ago

The exam table under the calendar looks un-styled. Can you add some CSS style to it?

ZaynJarvis commented 5 years ago

Could u take a screenshot? I did style it subject to the style of courseDetail page

ZaynJarvis commented 5 years ago

@lyming90 style changed to modal.