Closed Raymvp closed 1 year ago
Our experimental results are roughly the same as those reported in the paper of PatchGCN. If there is a significant gap between your results and the original ones, you could check the following points, in my opinion,
Hope these could help you. Good luck!
The default time bin is 4, but I've tried setting it to 8 and 10, and the results didn't show significant differences. Could you please tell me what's the time bin you've set? If it's possible, could you share your patchGCN code with me? Thank you.
Our setting is also 4. Our codes of PatchGCN are available at here.
It is highly recommended that you may ask for help at the official site of PatchGCN. You would get more useful suggestions and insights from the authors of PatchGCN for the questions you raised here.
Good luck!
刘博士你好!首先感谢您之前的帮助!我已经在PatchGCN页面的issue问过了,没有得到有效的回答。于是尝试用您的代码来跑。 现在我想知道如何能成功用您的代码跑通patchGCN。有几个缺失的参数,我设置为pdh_dims: 384-1 mlp_hops: 3 mlp_norm: True mlp_dropout: 0.25 opt_net: adam opt_net_weight_decay: 1e-4 opt_net_lr: 0.0002,但是并不是很有效,我用4090显卡跑,batchsize为1的情况下,报错RuntimeError: CUDA out of memory. Tried to allocate 1.11 GiB (GPU 5; 23.65 GiB total capacity; 21.38 GiB already allocated; 964.56 MiB free; 21.61 GiB reserved in total by PyTorc h) If reserved memory is >> allocated memory try setting max_split_size_mb to avoid fragmentation. See documentation for Memory Management and PYTORCH_CUDA_ALLOC_CONF 。 我想请问,patchGCN的yaml应该如何设置?
我在GCN层数和原始论文一样,bp_every_batch: 3的情况下,用您的代码依然跑出了超出原文与您论文复现中的效果。 是否可能是由于 代码依赖包 的更新,导致的效果大幅上升?
好的。task: surv_nll # cont_gansurv seed: 42 cuda_id: 5
wandb_dir: /home/ubuntu/AdvMIL-main # path to this repo wandb_prj: patchGCN_defult # wandb project name save_path: ./results-adv/brca-patchGCN # path to save log files during training and testing
dataset: BRCA
path_patch: /home/ubuntu/dataset/TCGA_BRCA_features/extracted_feature/pt_files # path to patch features, for patch-based models
path_graph: /home/ubuntu/dataset/TCGA_BRCA_features/tcga_brca_20x_features/graph_euclidean_files # path to WSI graphs, for graph-based models
path_cluster: /data/nlst/processed/patch-l1-cluster8-ids # path to patch clusters, for cluster-based models
path_coordx5: null
path_label: ./table/tcga_brca_path_full.csv # path to the csv table with patient_id, pathology_id, t, e
feat_format: pt
time_format: ratio
time_bins: 4
data_split_path: ./data_split/tcga_brca-fold{}.npz # path to data split
data_split_seed: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] # fold identifiers, used to fill the placeholder in data_split_path
save_prediction: True
train_sampling: null # w/o data sampling
bcb_mode: graph # choose patch, cluster, or graph bcb_dims: 1024-128-128 # the dims from input dim -> hidden dim -> embedding dim
pdh_dims: 128-4 mlp_hops: 1 mlp_norm: True mlp_dropout: 0.25 opt_net: adam opt_net_weight_decay: 0.00001 opt_net_lr: 0.0002
gen_dims: 128-1 # embedding dim -> out dim gen_noi_noise: 0-1 # noise setting, 0-1 / 1-0 / 1-1 gen_noi_noise_dist: uniform # noise type, gaussian / uniform gen_noi_hops: 1 gen_norm: False gen_dropout: 0.6 gen_out_scale: sigmoid
disc_type: prj # how to fuse X and t: cat (vector concatenation) / prj (vector projection) disc_netx_in_dim: 1024 # input dim of X disc_netx_out_dim: 128 # out dim of X disc_netx_ksize: 1 disc_netx_backbone: avgpool disc_netx_dropout: 0.25 disc_nety_in_dim: 1 # input dim of t disc_nety_hid_dims: 64-128 # hidden dim of t disc_nety_norm: False disc_nety_dropout: 0.0 disc_prj_path: x disc_prj_iprd: bag # choose bag (regular projection) / instance (RLIP)
loss_gan_coef: 0.004 # coefficient of GANLoss loss_netD: bce # choose bce / hinge / wasserstein loss_regl1_coef: 0.00001 # coefficient of L1 Regularization
loss_mle_alpha: 0.0
loss_recon_norm: l1 # l1/l2 loss_recon_alpha: 0.0 loss_recon_gamma: 0.0
opt_netG: adam opt_netG_lr: 0.00008 # learning rate of generator opt_netG_weight_decay: 0.0005 opt_netD_lr: 0.00008 # learning rate of discriminator
epochs: 20 # epoch numbers batch_size: 1 bp_every_batch: 3 num_workers: 8 # work numbers for loading WSI features es_patience: 3 # es: early stopping es_warmup: 5 es_verbose: True es_start_epoch: 0 gen_updates: 1 # 1/2 monitor_metrics: loss # metrics on validation set for early stopping
times_test_sample: 30 # sampling times when predicting survival from each WSI. log_plot: False
这是我的环境所用的包 name: clam channels:
- 降低每个batch 内patch的总数,一般1500左右是没问题的。
- 设置GCN层数为1。
- 降低embedding 的维度,比如把384改为128,或256。
@Raymvp 你好。请问你用LUAD数据集时,data_spilt是怎么划分的?
Dear Dr. Liu, I came across a unique situation while working on a replication of patchGCN, which I noticed you utilized in the experimental section of your recent paper.
In the process of my experiments, I observed a relatively high c-index for the validation set on the LUAD dataset, around 0.75, while the c-index during the training phase was around 0.68. This seemed unusual as the original paper reported a c-index of only 0.585.
Did you encounter any anomalies or unusually high c-index values in your implementations on patchGCN? Any insights you could provide would be immensely helpful and appreciated.
Thank you for your time
Xin Liu