liutinglt / CE2P

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trained model provided by baidu drive #6

Open lyxlynn opened 5 years ago

lyxlynn commented 5 years ago

Hi, thanks for open-soursing this work. I used the trained models "LIP_CE2P_trainVal_473.pth" "LIP_CE2P_trainVal_321_681.pth" "LIP_CE2P_train.pth" from baidu drive to predict test images in LIP , but the results are not so good. So then I used the "LIP_CE2P_train.pth" to evaluate LIP_val images and use the code ' ' you provided . The results are : Pixel accuracy: 0.735310 Mean accuracy: 0.384664 Mean IU: 0.264362

Is the results normal or there is something wrong ? I wonder whether he three trained models from baidu drive are the well-trained models that can achive the best performance as your paper shows ?

liutinglt commented 5 years ago

@Liuyixuan95 The version of PyTorch we used is 0.3.1. Someone using pytorch 0.4.1 can not reproduce the results. The reason is that the align_corners of upsample function is set to default to False. Maybe you can try to replace all the Upsample(size=output_size, mode='bilinear')" with "Upsample(size=output_size, mode='bilinear',align_corners=True)".

lyxlynn commented 5 years ago

@liutinglt Thanks ! got it