I tried to move to Aurorashade today from an existing Reshade installation. I have an existing library of presets, shaders, and textures which I left in place (after backing up), however, when I open AuroraShade my shaders fail to compile with the error "ReShade 3.0+ is required to use this header file".
Looking at this post here on the ReShade forums, the issue seems to stem from the fact that AuroraShade has its ReShade version set to according to both the log file and in-game overlay.
I tried to move to Aurorashade today from an existing Reshade installation. I have an existing library of presets, shaders, and textures which I left in place (after backing up), however, when I open AuroraShade my shaders fail to compile with the error "ReShade 3.0+ is required to use this header file".
Looking at this post here on the ReShade forums, the issue seems to stem from the fact that AuroraShade has its ReShade version set to according to both the log file and in-game overlay.
I can see that other users reported this in the AuroraShade reddit thread but could not solve it themselves.
I've attached my log file to this post which shows the versioning issue and the errors displayed.