liuxinwust / test_robot

aubo robot meta-package.
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Aubo robot connection fails: Is controller crashed? #9

Open reinzor opened 6 years ago

reinzor commented 6 years ago


We are trying to externally control the AUBO robot via ROS using the following tutorial:

However, we cannot connect to the robot:

rosrun aubo_new_driver aubo_new_driver _robot_ip_address:=
[ WARN] [1519909906.547213443]: Realtime port: No connection. Is controller crashed? Will try to reconnect in 10 seconds...
[ INFO] [1519909916.548294925]: Realtime port: Reconnected
[ WARN] [1519909921.615219697]: Realtime port: No connection. Is controller crashed? Will try to reconnect in 10 seconds...
[ INFO] [1519909931.616244511]: Realtime port: Reconnected
[ WARN] [1519909936.687930206]: Realtime port: No connection. Is controller crashed? Will try to reconnect in 10 seconds...
[ INFO] [1519909946.688883602]: Realtime port: Reconnected
[ WARN] [1519909951.754363547]: Realtime port: No connection. Is controller crashed? Will try to reconnect in 10 seconds...
[ INFO] [1519909961.755160649]: Realtime port: Reconnected
[ WARN] [1519909966.821743796]: Realtime port: No connection. Is controller crashed? Will try to reconnect in 10 seconds...

We are connected to the lower ethernet port of the controller:


As can be seen from the nmap program, there is a TCP port open on the expected port 8899:

Starting Nmap 7.01 ( ) at 2018-03-01 14:19 CET
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.00047s latency).
Not shown: 999 closed ports
8899/tcp open  ospf-lite

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.07 seconds

The upper connector that should be used according to the documentation is not giving a link:


What are we doing wrong?

robotlinker commented 6 years ago

Hi, Reinzor I help AUBO to support the ROS driver side. Please take the new driver from here

reinzor commented 6 years ago

Hi @robotlinker , thanks for your answer. Should I overlay my workspace with the packages in the new repository?

robotlinker commented 6 years ago

Yes, you can clone the package and give it a try. I will update the readme and also the package in the following months.

reinzor commented 6 years ago

Can we already move the robot either with a FollowJointTrajectoryAction or a direct cartesian goal? Can we also read and toggle the IO?

Could you give an example launch file? I noticed that the node structure has changed.

reinzor commented 6 years ago

Hi, with use of your new driver, the IO and joint states are working. Thanks!

Now we are trying to send setpoints to the robot. This is working with the robot controller but not yet with the ROS controller. We receive the following error when trying to set the robot to canbus mode:

2018-03-05 15:10:21.342 [ERROR ] - sdk log: Response return false. cmd Type:CommunicationType_EnterTcp2CanbusMode  errorCode:10023

Caused by API call:


How can we fix this?

robotlinker commented 6 years ago

Hi, I will take some more time to test it

ian-chuang commented 1 year ago

Are there any updates for resolving the connection issue? I have the same problem and would really prefer to use this Repo's Aubo Driver instead of the newer one. The newer one doesn't support servoj or ROS Hardware Interface. I would really like to get this older driver working instead.