Closed fmkli closed 3 years ago
@fmkli 我排查下问题,有结果了给你回复
发现,hexo,hexo g -d后,github仓库无文件
@fmkli 我看你的依赖貌似有问题呀,最下面的几行报错:
我这边克隆了 Stun 2.3.0 版本 + Hexo 5.1.1 版本,测试没问题
@fmkli 有没有尝试安装依赖解决?既然之前用正常,现在做了一些修改有问题,这种情况之前也有很多 Issue,通常来说是某些依赖出了问题。
尝试换主题看看,不过我还是支持你 awa
Stun 版本:2.3.0
Hexo 版本:5.1.1
平台信息:Windows 10
浏览器信息:Google Chrome 87.0.4280.66
Node.js 和 NPM 版本:NPM:6.14.7 node.js:14.8.0
NPM 依赖信息: $ npm ls --depth 0 hexo-site@0.0.0 D:\hexo\fmkliblog +-- hexo@5.1.1 +-- UNMET DEPENDENCY hexo-admin@^2.3.0 +-- UNMET DEPENDENCY hexo-deployer-git@^2.1.0 +-- hexo-generator-archive@1.0.0 +-- hexo-generator-category@1.0.0 +-- hexo-generator-index@2.0.0 +-- hexo-generator-tag@1.0.0 +-- hexo-renderer-ejs@1.0.0 +-- hexo-renderer-marked@3.1.0 +-- UNMET DEPENDENCY hexo-renderer-pug@^1.0.0 +-- hexo-renderer-stylus@2.0.0 `-- hexo-server@2.0.0
npm ERR! missing: hexo-admin@^2.3.0, required by hexo-site@0.0.0 npm ERR! missing: hexo-deployer-git@^2.1.0, required by hexo-site@0.0.0 npm ERR! missing: hexo-renderer-pug@^1.0.0, required by hexo-site@0.0.0
Hexo 配置信息:
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```yml # Hexo Configuration ## Docs: ## Source: # Site title: Fmkli的博客 subtitle: '' description: '一个拖更UP的博客' keywords: author: FMKLI language: zh-CN timezone: 'Asia/Shanghai' # URL ## If your site is put in a subdirectory, set url as '' and root as '/child/' url: root: / permalink: :year/:month/:id/ permalink_defaults: pretty_urls: trailing_index: false # Set to false to remove trailing 'index.html' from permalinks trailing_html: false # Set to false to remove trailing '.html' from permalinks # Directory source_dir: source public_dir: public tag_dir: tags archive_dir: archives category_dir: categories code_dir: downloads/code i18n_dir: :lang skip_render: # Writing new_post_name: # File name of new posts default_layout: post titlecase: false # Transform title into titlecase external_link: enable: true # Open external links in new tab field: site # Apply to the whole site exclude: '' filename_case: 0 render_drafts: false post_asset_folder: false relative_link: false future: true highlight: enable: true line_number: true auto_detect: false tab_replace: '' wrap: true hljs: false prismjs: enable: false preprocess: true line_number: true tab_replace: '' # Home page setting # path: Root path for your blogs index page. (default = '') # per_page: Posts displayed per page. (0 = disable pagination) # order_by: Posts order. (Order by date descending by default) index_generator: path: '' per_page: 10 order_by: -date # Category & Tag default_category: uncategorized category_map: tag_map: # Metadata elements ## meta_generator: true # Date / Time format ## Hexo uses Moment.js to parse and display date ## You can customize the date format as defined in ## date_format: YYYY-MM-DD time_format: HH:mm:ss ## updated_option supports 'mtime', 'date', 'empty' updated_option: 'mtime' # Pagination ## Set per_page to 0 to disable pagination per_page: 5 pagination_dir: page # Include / Exclude file(s) ## include:/exclude: options only apply to the 'source/' folder include: exclude: ignore: # Extensions ## Plugins: ## Themes: theme: stun # Deployment ## Docs: deploy: type: git repo: branch: master ```Stun 配置信息:
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```yml # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Theme Core Configuration Settings # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Remove unnecessary files after hexo generate. shake_file: true # --------------------------------------------------------------- # SEO Settings # --------------------------------------------------------------- # If true, will add site-subtitle to index page. # Remember to set up your site-subtitle in Hexo `_config.yml`. index_subtitle: false # Set a canonical link tag for your Hexo site. # See: # Remember to set up your URL in Hexo `_config.yml` (e.g. url: canonical: true # Webmaster tools verification setting # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Google Webmaster tools verification setting # See: google_site_verification: # Bing Webmaster tools verification setting # See: bing_site_verification: # Baidu Webmaster tools verification setting # See: baidu_site_verification: # 360 Webmaster tools verification setting # see qihu360_site_verification: # Sougou Webmaster tools verification setting # see sougou_site_verification: # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Menu config # --------------------------------------------------------------- # The menu in the website header. # Value before `||` is the target link, value after `||` is the name of FontAwesome icon. # Usage(With Icon): `Key: /link/ || fa(s|r|l|d|b) fa-iconname` # Usage(No Icon) : `Key: /link/` # Select your icon name, see: menu: home: / || fas fa-home archives: /archives/ || fas fa-folder-open 说说: /say/ || fas fa-comment-alt # categories: /categories/ || fas fa-layer-group # tags: /tags/ || fas fa-tags # You can add a secondary menu like follow. # xxx1: javascript:; || fa(s|r|l|d|b) fa-xxx # Secondary menu submenu: # Add item of secondary menu in here. # xxx1: # xxx1-1: /xxx1-1/ || fa(s|r|l|d|b) fa-xxx # xxx1-2: /xxx1-2/ || fa(s|r|l|d|b) fa-xxx menu_settings: # Only show by icon. icon_only: false # Only show by text. text_only: false # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Site config # --------------------------------------------------------------- favicon: small: /images/icons/favicon-16x16.png medium: /images/icons/favicon-32x32.png # ! -------------------------------------------------- # ! If you don't know the following, please ignore it. # ! -------------------------------------------------- # apple_touch_icon: /images/icons/apple-touch-icon.png # safari_pinned_tab: /images/icons/stun-logo.svg # msapplication: /images/icons/favicon-144x144.png # Progressive Web Apps # See: pwa: enable: false manifest: /manifest.json # (Please use "" to wrap the value) theme_color: "#54bcff" # Night mode night_mode: enable: true # The button of switching to the night mode. button: # Color of button (Please use "" to wrap the value). color: "#fafafa" # Background color of button (Please use "" to wrap the value). bg_color: "#8c8a8a" # The icon that stand for day and night. icon: dark: 🌜 light: 🌞 # The layout for sidebar and content of site. layout: # The width of the content area in website. content: 768px # The width of the sidebar in website. sidebar: 300px # The width between the content and the sidebar. content_sidebar_gap: 30px # The padding property of the main tag. # e.g. Usage: # 20px # 20px 30px # 20px 20px 30px # 20px 30px 40px 25px main_padding: # Take effect when screen width in: [768px, Infinity) default: 20px # Take effect when screen width in: [576px, 768px) tablet: 15px # Take effect when screen width in: [0px, 576px) mobile: 10px # The header of site. header: enable: true show_on: # Whether to show on the article page. post: true # If you set a percentage, it will be calculated based on the height of screen (Supports all CSS units) height: 80% # Background image of site header. bg_image: enable: false # In theme directory (source/images): /images/avatar.png # In site directory (source/uploads): /uploads/avatar.png # You can also use a link of image. url: # Mask effect of the background image. mask: enable: false # Opacity of the mask (value: 0 ~ 1) opacity: 0.5 nav: # Height of the navigation bar (Supports all CSS units) height: 50px # Background color of the navigation bar (Please use "" to wrap the value). bg_color: "#333" # The icon that prompts the user to pull down. scroll_down_icon: enable: false # Icon name in FontAwesome, see: name: fas fa-angle-down animation: true # The body of site. body: # Background image of site body. bg_image: enable: false # In theme directory (source/images): /images/avatar.png # In site directory (source/uploads): /uploads/avatar.png # You can also use a link of image. url: # Whether to fixed the background image. fixed: true # Whether to repeat the image as much as possible to cover the entire area. repeat: false # Mask effect of the background image. mask: enable: false # Opacity of mask (value: 0 ~ 1) opacity: # Opacity of the mask by default. default: 0.1 # Opacity of the mask in night mode. night_mode: 0.6 # The footer of site. footer: # Background image of site footer. bg_image: enable: false # In theme directory (source/images): /images/avatar.png # In site directory (source/uploads): /uploads/avatar.png # You can also use a link of image. url: # Mask effect of the background image. mask: enable: false # Opacity of mask (value: 0 ~ 1) opacity: 0.5 # Copyright information. copyright: enable: true # If not set, will be used `author` from Hexo main config (e.g. liuyib All Rights Reserved) text: # Start time. If not set, the current year will be used. since: # End time. If not set, the current year will be used. end: # The icon between the copyright and the owner. icon: enable: true # Icon name in FontAwesome, see: name: fas fa-heart # Heartbeat animation. animation: false # (Please use "" to wrap the value) color: "#ff0000" # Hexo link powered: enable: true # Whether to show version after Hexo link (e.g. vX.X.X) version: true # Theme link theme: enable: true # Whether to show version after theme link (e.g. vX.X.X) version: true # Beian information for Chinese users, see: beian: enable: false # 备案 XXXXXXXX 号 icp: # Any custom text (e.g. Hosted by Github Pages) custom: enable: false text: # Creative Commons 4.0 International License creative_commons: enable: true # Optional values: BY | BY-SA | BY-ND | BY-NC | BY-NC-SA | BY-NC-ND # For details, please see: license: BY-NC-SA # Show the CC license in the sidebar. sidebar: true # Show the CC license at the post bottom. post: true # Optional values: # id | ms | ca | da | de | en | es | es_ES | eo | eu | fr | gl | hr # it | lv | lt | hu | nl | no | pt | pt_BR | pl | ro | sl | fi | sv # tr | is | cs | el | be | ru | zh | zh_TW | uk | ar | fa | bn | ja | ko # If not set, `en` will be used by default. language: # Back to top back2top: enable: true icon: # Icon name in FontAwesome, see: name: fas fa-rocket # Rotation Angle of icon. rotate: -45deg # (Please use "" to wrap the value) color: "#49b1f5" # Color when the mouse hovers it (Please use "" to wrap the value) hover_color: "#fc6423" # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Sidebar config # --------------------------------------------------------------- # The sidebar of site. sidebar: enable: true # Optional values: left | right position: right # The distance from the top of the page when the sidebar is fixed (Only `px` unit is supported) offsetTop: 20px # Whether to show horizon line. horizon_line: false author: enable: true # Avatar in the site sidebar. avatar: # In theme directory (source/images): /images/avatar.png # In site directory (source/uploads): /uploads/avatar.png # You can also use a link of image. url: # If true, the avatar would be displayed in a circle. rounded: false # Opacity of avatar (value: 0 ~ 1) opacity: 1 # Mouse hover animation # Optional values: turn | shake animation: turn # Your favorite motto. motto: 期末了,该奋斗了 # Social links # Value before `||` is the target link, value after `||` is the name of FontAwesome icon. # Usage: `Key: /link/ || fa(s|r|l|d|b) fa-iconname` # Select your icon name, see: # If you can`t find a suitable icon, you can choose to display text by adding the `origin:` prefix. # e.g. `origin:sf`, so `sf` will be displayed. social: github: || fab fa-github google: || fab fa-google twitter: || fab fa-twitter youtube: || fab fa-youtube # segmentfault: || origin:sf # weibo: || fab fa-weibo # zhihu: || origin:知 # wechat: yournumber || fab fa-weixin # telegram: yournumber || fab fa-telegram # qq: yournumber || fab fa-qq social_setting: enable: false # Only show by icon. icon_only: true # Table Of Contents in the Sidebar. toc: enable: true # Automatically add list number to toc. list_number: true # If true, all words will be placed on the next lines when they overflow. wrap: true # If true, the toc of post will always be displayed, rather than the activated part of it. expand_all: false # Minimum heading depth of generated toc. # You can also set it in Front-matter by `toc_max_depth`. min_depth: 1 # You can also set it in Front-matter by `toc_min_depth`. # Maximum heading depth of generated toc. max_depth: 6 # Subscribe of email and rss. feed: enable: false # Enter your email subscription link (e.g. email: # Enter the rss address of you set (e.g. /atom.xml) # Dependency: # !!! Don't enable this before install dependency by `npm install hexo-generator-feed --save` in hexo root directory. rss: # The reading progress of post. reading_progress: enable: true # (Please use "" to wrap the value) color: "#fc6423" height: 1px # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Page config # --------------------------------------------------------------- codeblock: # The style of code block. # Optional values: default | simple | carbon style: default # The theme of code highlight. # Optional values: light | dark | ocean highlight: light # Whether to wrap when code overflow. word_wrap: false # Add a line below h1, h2 tags. heading_line: true # Reward QR Code reward: enable: false # Your QR code for collecting money. alipay: wechat: # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Post config # --------------------------------------------------------------- # The information of post. post_meta: # Only show by icon. icon_only: false # The create time of post. created: enable: true # Icon name in FontAwesome, see: icon: far fa-calendar-plus # The update time of post. updated: enable: true # Icon name in FontAwesome, see: icon: far fa-calendar-check # The approximate reading time of post. # Dependency: # !!! Don't enable this before install dependency by `npm install hexo-wordcount --save` in hexo root directory. reading_time: enable: false # Icon name in FontAwesome, see: icon: far fa-clock # Set reading speed to count reading time. speed: # Reading speed of zh-CN. zh: 200 # Reading speed of en-US. en: 80 # Counting the words of post. # Dependency: # !!! Don't enable this before install dependency by `npm install hexo-wordcount --save` in hexo root directory. word_count: enable: false # Icon name in FontAwesome, see: icon: far fa-file-word # The article list on the homepage or archives page. post_list: # Whether to paginate. paginate: home: true archives: false # Whether to show the cover image of post. cover_image: home: false # The widget of post. post_widget: # Whether to show tags at the bottom of post. tags: true # Whether to show "------ END ------" at the bottom of post. end_text: enable: true # Whether to show a horizon line before "------ END ------". horizon_line: true # Article sharing share: enable: false # The text displayed before the share button. label: "Share to: " # Optional values: qzone | qq | weibo | wechat | douban | linkedin | facebook | twitter | google target: qzone, qq, weibo, wechat, douban, linkedin, facebook, twitter, google # Stick post to the top # Dependency: # !!! Don't enable this before install dependency by `npm install hexo-generator-index-pin-top --save` in hexo directory. stick_top: # Position of icon # Optional values: left | right position: right # Icon name in FontAwesome, see: icon: fas fa-thumbtack # Rotation Angle of icon. rotate: 45deg # (Please use "" to wrap the value) color: "#999" # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Comment config # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Gittalk # See: gitalk: enable: false # Github username. owner: # Github repository. repo: # Github Application Client ID. client_id: # Github Application Client Secret. client_secret: # GitHub repo owner and collaborators, only these guys can initialize github issues. admin: # Facebook-like distraction free mode. distraction_free_mode: false # Gitalk's display language depends on user's browser or system environment. # If you want everyone visiting your site to see a uniform language, you can set a force language value. # Optional values: en | zh-CN | es-ES | fr | ru | zh-TW language: # Valine # See: valine: enable: false # Your leancloud application appid. appid: # Your leancloud application appkey. appkey: # Mail notifier. notify: true # Verification code. verify: true # Comment box placeholder. placeholder: Just go go # Gravatar style. avatar: mp # Custom comment header. meta: nick,mail,link # Pagination size. pageSize: 10 # Article reading statistics. visitor: false # Whether to record the commenter IP. recordIP: false # Optional values: en | zh-cn language: # MiniValine # See: minivaline: enable: false appId: # Your leancloud application appid appKey: # Your leancloud application appkey placeholder: Write a Comment # Comment box placeholder adminEmailMd5: # The MD5 of Admin Email to show Admin Flag. math: true # Support MathJax. md: true # Support Markdown. # MiniValine's display language depends on user's browser or system environment # If you want everyone visiting your site to see a uniform language, you can set a force language value # Optional values: en | zh-CN | (and many more) # More i18n info: lang: # Livere # See: livere: enable: true uid:MTAyMC81MjI0OC8yODcyNw== # Disqus # See: disqus: enable: false shortname: count: true # Utterances # See: utterances: enable: false # Github username. owner: # Github repository. repo: # Choose the mapping between blog posts and GitHub issues. # Optional values: pathname | url | title | og:title mapping: title # Choose the label that will be assigned to issues created by Utterances. # Emoji are supported in label names. label: utterances # Choose an Utterances theme that matches your blog. # Optional values: github-light | github-dark | github-dark-orange | icy-dark | dark-blue | photon-dark theme: github-light # ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ! Don't set this unless the URL of the script in the official website is changed. # ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- script_url: # Facebook Comments # See: fbcomments: enable: false # The ID of your own Facebook App. appId: # See: # Example: en_US | zh_CN | zh_HK ... and so on. For detail, see: ☝ lang: en_US # Number of comments displayed by default. numPosts: 10 # See: # Optional values: social | reverse_time | time order_by: reverse_time # Optional values: true | false lazy: true # Whether to optimize the display on the mobile. # Optional values: true | false mobile: true width: 100% # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Statistics and Analytics config # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Busuanzi statistics # See: busuanzi: enable: false # Only show by icon. icon_only: false # Number of unique visitor to the entire site. site_uv: enable: true # Icon name in FontAwesome, see: icon: fas fa-user # Number of page view to the entire site. site_pv: enable: true icon: fas fa-eye # Number of page view to a post. post_pv: enable: true icon: fas fa-eye # Google analytics ID # See: google_analytics: # Baidu analytics ID # See: baidu_analytics: # Tencent analytics ID # See: tencent_analytics: # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Search config # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Algolia Search # Dependency: algolia_search: enable: false hits: # Number of search results displayed per page. per_page: 10 labels: # Whether to show stats of search. show_stats: true # Local Search # See: local_search: enable: false # Auxiliary search buttons # ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ! This feature can only be enabled if either `algolia_search` or `local_search` is enabled. # ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- assist_search: enable: false # Show the Google Search button. Use `` to search for what you type. google: true # Show the Bing Search button. Use `` to search for what you type. bing: true # Show the Baidu Search button. Use `` to search for what you type. baidu: true # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Background config # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Canvas-ribbon # Dependency: canvas_ribbon: enable: false # The width of the ribbon. size: 120 # The transparency of the ribbon. alpha: 0.6 # The display level of the ribbon. zIndex: -1 # Canvas-nest # Dependency: canvas_nest: enable: false # Color of lines. # RGB values, use `,` to separate. color: "0,0,0" # The opacity of lines (value: 0 ~ 1) opacity: 0.6 # The number of lines. count: 99 # `z-index` property of the background. zIndex: -1 # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Math and Chart config # --------------------------------------------------------------- math: enable: false # If true, this function will be enabled on every page. # If false, this function will be enabled only if the page where `math: true` is set in `Front-matter`. per_page: false # ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ! Please see the documentation before using. See: # ! # ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Optional values: mathjax | katex engine: katex mathjax: cdn: # See: mhchem: enable: false mhchem_js: katex: cdn: # See: copy_tex: enable: true copy_tex_js: copy_tex_css: # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Other config # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Fancybox # See: fancybox: false # Click to enlarge picture. zoom_image: enable: true # The color of mask. # (Please use "" to wrap the value) mask_color: "rgba(0,0,0,0.6)" # The gap between image and a edge of screen when image is enlarged. # (Only `px` unit is supported) gap_aside: 20px # If you are use "photos" attribute in the Front-matter, # you can enable this to show images in waterfalls flow. # See: gallery_waterfall: enable: false col_width: 220px gap_x: 10px gap_y: 10px # Lazy load the images of post. # See: lazyload: enable: false # Optional values: gif | block placeholder: gif # Quicklink support # See: quicklink: enable: false # Quicklink (quicklink.umd.js script) is loaded on demand. # Add `quicklink: true` in Front-matter of the page or post you need. # Home page and archive page can be controlled through home and archive options below. home: true archive: true # Initialize quicklink after the load event fires. delay: true # Custom a time in milliseconds by which the browser must execute prefetching. timeout: 10000 # Enable fetch() or falls back to XHR. priority: true # For more flexibility you can add some patterns (RegExp, Function, or Array) to ignores. # See: # ! -------------------------------------------------- # ! If you don't know the following, please ignore it. # ! -------------------------------------------------- ignores: - /\/api\/?/ - uri => uri.includes('.xml') - uri => uri.includes('.zip') - (uri, el) => el.hasAttribute('nofollow') - (uri, el) => el.hasAttribute('noprefetch') # Pjax # See: pjax: enable: false # When switching pages, scroll to the bottom of the top image. avoid_banner: false # ! -------------------------------------------------- # ! If you don't know the following, please ignore it. # ! -------------------------------------------------- # Please see: elements: selectors: switches: switchesOptions: history: true # If you enable this, you must set `avoid_banner: false` firstly. scrollTo: false scrollRestoration: false cacheBust: false debug: false currentUrlFullReload: false timeout: 0 # Google AdSense google_adsense: enable: false client: js_src: # The links with `target="_blank"` attribute. external_link: # Adding an icon make it easier for users to know that this is an external link. icon: enable: true # Icon name in FontAwesome, see: name: fas fa-external-link-alt # (Please use "" to wrap the value) color: "#aaa" # The shortcuts of the site. shortcuts: # Switch to the prev / next post by key. # `Ctrl + ←` is the shortcuts to prev post. # `Ctrl + →` is the shortcuts to next post. switch_post: enable: false # Tag cloud # If not used, comment it or ignore it. tag_cloud: # (Please use "" to wrap the value) start_color: "#a4d8fa" end_color: "#49b1f5" # Size for tag. min_size: 16 max_size: 26 # Maximum number of tags displayed. Change it if you have more than 200 tags. max_amount: 200 # Eliminate the old version of IE browser (IE6~11). # See: kill_old_ie: enable: false # The URL of warning page (Please use "" to wrap the value). # ! ---------------------------------------------------------------- # ! Usually you don't need to set this option, just use the default. # ! ---------------------------------------------------------------- warning_url: # Assets # In theme directory (source/css) css: css # In theme directory (source/js) js: js # In theme directory (source/images) images: images # Set icon for some components. # Icon name in FontAwesome, see: # ! ------------------------------------------------------------------- # ! Do not edit the follow configs, unless you know what you are doing. # ! ------------------------------------------------------------------- icon: search: fas fa-search localsearch_empty: far fa-meh menu_btn: fas fa-bars feed_email: fas fa-envelope feed_rss: fas fa-rss paginator_prev: fas fa-angle-left paginator_next: fas fa-angle-right read_more_btn: fas fa-long-arrow-alt-right post_tags: fas fa-tag copy_btn: fas fa-copy prompt_success: fas fa-check-circle prompt_info: fas fa-arrow-circle-right prompt_warning: fas fa-exclamation-circle prompt_error: fas fa-times-circle valine_visitor: fas fa-eye post_heading: fas fa-link notetag_default: fas fa-arrow-circle-right notetag_success: fas fa-check-circle notetag_info: fas fa-info-circle notetag_warning: fas fa-exclamation-circle notetag_danger: fas fa-minus-circle google: fab fa-google # bing: fab fa-bing # not exist # Set a CDN address for the vendor you want to customize. # ! ------------------------------------------------------------------- # ! Do not edit the follow configs, unless you know what you are doing. # ! ------------------------------------------------------------------- cdn: # Using version: 5.12.1 # See: # Example: # fontawesome: // # fontawesome: // # fontawesome: // # fontawesome: // fontawesome: # Using version: 3.4.1 # Example: # jquery: // # jquery: // jquery: # Using version: 1.5.2 # See: # Example: # velocity: // # velocity: // # velocity_ui: // # velocity_ui: // velocity: velocity_ui: # gitalk & js-md5 # Using version: latest & latest # See:, # Example: # gitalk_js: // # gitalk_css: // # md5: // gitalk_js: gitalk_css: gitalk_md5: # valine & leancloud-storage # Using version: latest & latest # See:, # Example: # valine: // # leancloud_storage: // valine: leancloud_storage: # minivaline # See: # Example: # minivaline: // minivaline: # busuanzi # Using version: latest # See: # Example: # busuanzi: // busuanzi: # Using version: 2.1.1 # See: # Example: # instantsearch_js: // # instantsearch_css: // instantsearch_js: instantsearch_css: # Using version: latest # See: # Example: # canvas_ribbon: // canvas_ribbon: # Using version: latest # See: # Example: # canvas_nest: // canvas_nest: # Using version: 3.5.7 # See: # Example: # fancybox_js: // # fancybox_css: // fancybox_js: fancybox_css: # Using version: 4.2.2 # See: # Example: # masonry: // masonry: # Using version: 2.0.0-rc.2 # See: # Example: # lazyload: // lazyload: # Using version: latest # See: # Example: # quicklink: // quicklink: # Using version: latest # See: # Example: # pjax: // pjax: # Using version: 1.0.16 # See: # Example: # share_js: // # share_css: // share_js: share_css: ```预期行为