liuzhengzhe / DreamStone-ISS

This is the project for DreamStone: TPAMI & ISS: ICLR 2023 spotlight
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About the CO3D results #5

Open chirsyes opened 1 year ago

chirsyes commented 1 year ago

Hi! Thanks for your wonderful work. I have some questions about the implementation details of CO3D dataset.

  1. I find in the CO3D, the author(s) released two versions including single-sequence dataset subset (8.9GB) and the full dataset (5.5TB), which one did you use in your experiments?
  2. Did you process the data in the CO3D dataset you used? I will appreciate it if you can share the CO3D dataset you processed.
  3. Your released code focused on the ShapeNet, but the experiments on CO3D are also an essential part of your paper. Could you share the reproduction code and DVR pre-training model on CO3D?