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Add New Character Page #180

Open rongjie-alter opened 3 years ago

rongjie-alter commented 3 years ago

Add new character

  1. Open the latest update in masterdata changelog
  2. Look for the code difference for CardMaster and SidekickMaster. each character should have a unique resourceName and stockId.
    • Using Gammei as a reference, in this changelog, gammei's stockId is 10061 and resourceName is gammei.
  3. Create a new character page by going to here as <resourceName>.md (so Gammei's filename should be
  4. Copy the following header to the page and edit accordingly

    title: Gammei
    {% include hero-infobox.html stockId=10061 %}
    {% include sidekick-infobox.html stockId=10061 %}
    {% include voice-table.html resourceName="gammei" %}