livechat / chat-widget-adapters

This project contains a set of libraries for adapting LiveChat Chat Widget with certain frontend frameworks
MIT License
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Update library to support Angular v18 compatibility #94

Open tonisiforou opened 3 weeks ago

tonisiforou commented 3 weeks ago

Dependency conflicts: Please update the library to enable migration to Angular v18.

tonisiforou commented 2 weeks ago

Hello! Could you please provide an update on the progress of this? @walaszczykm

md-idea commented 4 days ago

Hi. Is this there an update on this one?

On a quick look through the source code, I don't think there's any breaking changes for you in Angular 18. A quick test + an update to package.json to declare support should be enough

walaszczykm commented 4 days ago

Hello, thanks for reporting the issue, and sorry for the delay.

I will take a look at this one this week. There is already an open PR to address it but it only updates peer dependencies while not making and upgrade for test purposes