livechat / chat-window-android

LiveChat mobile chat window for Android
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Automatic messages when opening the chat window question #65

Open marinalexandru opened 3 years ago

marinalexandru commented 3 years ago


We have a working integration with live chat SDK in production for our app where the customer launches the chat via ChatWindowConfiguration and intent. In order to develop a certain feature, ideally, we would want to pre-fill the message/send an automatic message displayed to the user when opening the chat window.

We researched the documentation in order to find something that might help us but with no luck. We did come across this, though:

configuration = new ChatWindowConfiguration(
    "Visitor name",

We could use the customParamsMap in order to send some business specific data. Does simply configuring a plain text greeting message for all visitors with a time on page more than 0 seconds and with a certain condition fulfilled by a custom parameter would trigger the automatic plain text message when the user will open the chat via intent? Or the greeting message is only reserved for the web sdk? Also as far as I understand we don't actually need a chat boot for this right?

marinalexandru commented 3 years ago

Tested the above customParamsMap approach and it seems that targeted greeting message does not get triggered when customer initialises the chat from the mobile app even if we are sending the custom param and the greeting message is set to be triggered based on that custom variable. Are we doing something wrong or is this functionality related to the web sdk chat widget only? Also we noticed the automatic message displayed "Hello. How may I help you?" by the agent. We know we can change this from but could we possibly change it based on a custom param sent from the mobile app so that we could have conditioned messages? If the above is not possible do you know any alternative on how can we trigger a message when the chat is opened by the customer based on a specific mobile config (like a custom variable)?

P.S.As a last resort can we integrate the chat widget for mobile (so that we can trigger the greeting message similar to how it is triggered on the web, based on time spent in page) or.. mobile support is only for chat window and button is not supported yet?

If there isn't any support yet, are there any plans in the future to somehow support such a functionality?