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Application for Membership #263

Closed ageddesi closed 2 years ago

ageddesi commented 4 years ago

Please make sure that 'Store Past Broadcasts' is enabled on your channel so that we can review examples of your coding stream. Also ensure that your vods are not sub only.

What is the URL for your Twitch channel?

Are you a Twitch affiliate or partner? (Your application will be automatically rejected if the answer is no) Affiliate

What languages / frameworks / tools do you program in while streaming on Twitch? Javascript. Mainly Vue.js and Firebase, using Visual Studio code with a Jest runner.

Why do you write code on stream? I find coding lonely when not in an office with friends and colleagues and as such I find coming online to work on my project a way to get immediate feedback and have some laughs along the way.

What is your favorite moment from coding on stream? Share a clip if one is available When I started to allow viewers to exchange their points to make me work out.

What do you want to accomplish with the Live Coders? Expand my skills while helping people if I can along the way.

What do you want the Live Coders team to help you with? Just helping to provide access to other streamers who are like minded and here to have fun and educate if possible,

If you have any questions about this process, please email:

csharpfritz commented 2 years ago

Apologies for the delay in reviewing... looks like you are no longer streaming. If you resume streaming and are interested in joining, please re-open this ticket