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Application for Membership #398

Open travisvroman opened 1 year ago

travisvroman commented 1 year ago

Please make sure that 'Store Past Broadcasts' is enabled on your channel so that we can review examples of your coding stream. Also ensure that your vods are not sub only.

What is the URL for your Twitch channel? (NOTE: I archive my streams on my YouTube channel:

Are you a Twitch affiliate or partner? (Your application will be automatically rejected if the answer is no) Yes, affiliate

What languages / frameworks / tools do you program in while streaming on Twitch? List briefly here C/C++, Vulkan, OpenGL, DirectX on win/mac/linux

Why do you write code on stream? briefly describe To provide insight into real software development, showcasing things like troubleshooting and debugging. My main goal is to provide the content I wish I had when I was learning, and the hope that folks gain knowledge and confidence from watching it. Writing code on stream is somewhat new to me, as I started my channel at the beginning of this year. I have years worth of content on YouTube, though.

What is your favorite moment from coding on stream? Share a clip if one is available briefly describe It happened on my YouTube channel, but someone commented that they felt like my content helped them land a game development job, which I thought was super cool! I've heard things similar to this a few times since, and have been occasionally recognized on other streams in chat. It's great to know that I'm making that kind of impact. Even if it were only one or two people, it makes it worth it to me.

What do you want to accomplish with the Live Coders? briefly describe Being part of a group would give me exposure to other projects out there, build relationships with other devs and hopefully exchange info/learn from one another and grow. I hope to be able to contribute to this.

What do you want the Live Coders team to help you with? briefly describe To be honest - exposure. It's the largest issue any new streamer faces. I built my audience on YouTube the hard way, and some of my Twitch audience followed me from there, but I am hoping to be able to grow the channel and reach more people more quickly, and being part of a team, I feel, would help a lot in that regard. I also feel like, as my following grows, I might be able to, in turn, help new members after me with follows.

If you have any questions about this process, please email:

travisvroman commented 1 year ago

Hi there! I just wanted to follow up on this and see if there was anything further required from me, or if there are any questions I can answer?

Thank you for your time!