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Application for Membership #405

Open gerep opened 8 months ago

gerep commented 8 months ago

Please make sure that 'Store Past Broadcasts' is enabled on your channel so that we can review examples of your coding stream. Also ensure that your vods are not sub only.

What is the URL for your Twitch channel?

Are you a Twitch affiliate or partner? (Your application will be automatically rejected if the answer is no) Affiliate

What languages / frameworks / tools do you program in while streaming on Twitch? I'm currently using Godot with GDScript. I have plans for new games and want to use different engines and frameworks. The tools will vary over time.

Why do you write code on stream? It's how I made real progress on my personal projects. I can also create a community around it (which already exists on Discord). I have Tourettes, and exposing myself unintuitively helps.

What is your favorite moment from coding on stream? Share a clip if one is available When I can add new functionality to my game mechanics, I'm a big fan of any progress, big or small, so I celebrate frequently.

What do you want to accomplish with the Live Coders? Becoming part of something bigger.

What do you want the Live Coders team to help you with? By exposing my work and my community to more new game developers. Thor heavily inspired me, and I also want to be a source of inspiration. I've been told by other people that I'm inspiring them to stream or to work on their side projects.

If you have any questions about this process, please email: