livekit / client-sdk-unity-web

Client SDK for Unity WebGL
Apache License 2.0
47 stars 15 forks source link

Linear colorspace intead of Gamma colorspace #45

Open D4rWiNSS opened 6 months ago

D4rWiNSS commented 6 months ago

Hi there! We are a metaverse company that is using livekit to implement the voice chat, and share screen/webcam in our unity project. We are having a problem that your system is setup in the Gamma colorspace while our project is setup in Linear color space. This is making the textures to be wash out.

If you want to have a realsitic look in unity you need to go with the linear colorspace. You only want to go for the Gamma approach on old mobile devices but most of the devices today supports linear.

Is there any chance that you can support linear colorspace for web?
