livekit / client-sdk-unity

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How stable is the unity android livekit SDK as of now? Any plans on iOS support? #33

Closed sadeepdarshana closed 4 days ago

sadeepdarshana commented 2 months ago

I'm planning to build a 2D unity app for mobile (initially android) where people can create audio only rooms (of around 10 participants each). All of them can communicate at once.

There would be a number of such rooms at a given time.

  1. How stable is the unity android SDK as of now for this use case?
  2. Any plans on iOS support?
davidzhao commented 2 months ago

Android is pretty stable now! Folks are starting to use it in Unity apps.

We do plan on supporting iOS as well. Development has not started though.

cloudwebrtc commented 2 months ago

Yeah, we have started investigating how to run the Unity SDK on iOS, and I believe it will be supported soon