Open rajil opened 1 week ago
Both pub and sub peerconnection were connected in the log, the disconnect reason is CLIENT_REQUEST_LEAVE
which indicates the client left actively.
Does it mean that TURN is working but the livekit connection test utility is reporting incorrectly?
I don't know which error is reported but the relay candidates are gathered so the turn is working
This is the error i get,
Are you looking at line 62 to confirm the relay candidate?
62 livekit-1 | 2024-11-19T05:27:20.904Z DEBUG livekit.transport rtc/transport.go:1428 added ICE candidate {"room": "!", "roomID": "RM_RR4TKj2SzA5P", "partici
pant": "", "pID": "PA_XTHt2Kszb26n", "remote": false, "transport": "PUBLISHER", "candidate": {"candidate":"candidate:2645882119 1 udp 41885951 123.456.789.123 30001 typ relay raddr
231.456.789.123 rport 24017 generation 0 ufrag FKrM network-id 1","sdpMid":"0","sdpMLineIndex":0,"usernameFragment":"FKrM"}}
right, the relay candidate created and added successfully. can you check the webrtc-internals of the failure test to see if there was more details
There are multiple sessions in webrtc-internal when a test is made and i dont know which session to test. Additionally, the session closes pretty quickly and the information is lost in webrtc-internals. I don't know how to save the log.
I am terminating TURN ssl at the reverse proxy and sending the traffic over to the livekit server. Unfortunately is giving an error on TURN.
The nginx proxy is setup like so with the livekit server at
The livekit config is like so,
When livekit starts i can see the following,
The livekit log is attached. Any idea why the internal TURN doesnt work?