livekit / protocol

LiveKit protocol. Protobuf definitions for LiveKit's signaling protocol
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Error failed to send webhook #729

Open AntonioliBenjamin opened 6 months ago

AntonioliBenjamin commented 6 months ago

Hi there,

I am encountering an error in my logs that I cannot explain. Indeed, the webhook is sent correctly most of the time, so I can conclude that my URL is correct. However, I often see this error message in my logs.

I am unable to reproduce a Partner or this error occurs.

Here is the information related to our infrastructure:

2024-06-04T10:23:28.129Z WARN livekit.webhook webhook/url_notifier.go:85 failed to send webhook {"url": "https://XXXXXXX", "event": "participant_left", "error": "POST https://XXXXXXX giving up after 5 attempt(s)"}

I do notice a certain occurrence with events of the type participant_left.

If you need more information, I remain at your disposal.

Thanks !

davidzhao commented 6 months ago

you should check your web server logs. there will be clue there in terms of what the error is.

AntonioliBenjamin commented 5 months ago

Hi, Thanks for the answer. I don't have any particular errors, I receive the webhooks most of the time, the error only occurs on the side of my livekit-server logs