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[Microgrant] Lenspeer #211

Open livepeer-grants-bot opened 5 months ago

livepeer-grants-bot commented 5 months ago

Application by : @monstitude

Project Description

Lenspeer is an all-in-one social media platform built on Lens Protocol. It has been meticulously designed and developed to offer Lens users an unparalleled experience.

Users can connect with their friends, share their thoughts, watch videos and shorts, create content, upload videos and start their own channel, and discover new things and trends going around the world and in Web3, all in Lenspeer.

Link to public GitHub repo (if applicable)

Link to demo website (if applicable)

How is Livepeer used for this project?

Lenspeer currently uses Livepeer only for viewing videos and shorts. We want to use Livepeer to add livestreaming on Lenspeer, so users can livestream games, music, podcasts, and more on Lenspeer. Users will also be able to manage their livestreams, which will use the Livepeer’s API. And when users end their livestream, using Livepeer’s livestream recording feature, Lenspeer will automatically show the recording to users, so users will be able to view recording of the stream on all Lens apps when it ends and streamers won’t have to manually upload the recording. Users will also be able to clip livestreams using Livepeer’s clipping feature and post them on Lens.

How will you improve your project with this grant? What steps will you take to meet this objective?

This grant will enable us to integrate livestreaming on Lenspeer. This will also enhance user engagement and it will enable more opportunities for creators to make new types of content on Lens using Livepeer.

We will research ways to make livestreaming more accessible to users. We will also do thorough testing of features and take user feedback for further optimizations and updates.

Was this project started at a hackathon or another web3 event? Which one?

This project was not started at a hackathon or any other web3 event.

Please describe (in words) your team's relevant experience, and why you think you are the right team to build this project. You can cite your team's prior experience in similar domains, doing similar dev work, individual team members' backgrounds, etc.

Our team has gotten a lot of experience from building Lenspeer, an all-in-one experience on Lens Protocol. Over the course of nearly a year, we have implemented various features such as posting, mirror, collects, notifications, videos, shorts, messaging, spaces and a lot more. We have launched a fully functional Web app and a Progressive Web App (PWA) for mobiles, both currently are in production.

We have overcome a lot of various challenges while building Lenspeer. We have also taken a lot of user feedback and have constantly been updating & improving our app to ensure a great interface and positive user experience.

What is the project’s expected deliverable at the conclusion of the grant time period?

At the end of the grant period, we aim to deliver an upgraded app with a seamless and smooth livestreaming experience. Lenspeer users will be able to create and manage their livestreams, view automatic recordings of their streams, clip livestreams, live chat, and more on Lenspeer.

What is the one thing (the core mechanic) you want someone to do when using your deliverable?

We want to enable users to seamlessly livestream using Livepeer from Lenspeer to all Lens apps. The core mechanic is for creators to easily start livestreams and for users to enjoy livestreams of their favorite creators on Lens.

How will this deliverable benefit the Livepeer ecosystem?

Our team will integrate Livepeer for livestreaming. Livestreaming will allow for more unique types of content on Lens and enable creators to engage with their community in real-time. All Lenspeer livestreams with automatic recordings using Livepeer will be available to watch across all Lens apps. This will benefit and contribute to the growth of the Livepeer ecosystem

How did you learn about the Livepeer Grants Program?

We found out about the Livepeer Grants Program through Twitter/X.