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[Video Disruptor] ORIGIN STØRIES #217

Open livepeer-grants-bot opened 4 months ago

livepeer-grants-bot commented 4 months ago

Application by: .originstory

What is your project, and what problem does it solve?

Our project creates an app enabling artists and brands to build custom visual generators for live streams/events, enhancing audience engagement. It meets the need for deeper interaction during music performances and experiential events, shaping the visual experience.

Link to public GitHub repo (if applicable)

Link to demo website (if applicable) ,

Please describe in more detail why this proposal is valuable for the Livepeer ecosystem

This deliverable will showcase Livepeer's versatility and effectiveness in supporting interactive livestreaming applications. By demonstrating Livepeer's role in facilitating real-time video processing, transcoding, and delivery, our project will attract more developers and content creators to the Livepeer ecosystem, fostering its growth and adoption.

Please describe in details what your final deliverable for this project will be.

At the conclusion of the grant time period, we aim to deliver a fully functional application launched to production. This includes a user-friendly interface for livestream viewers to interact with AI-generated prompts, access to a diverse gallery of AI-generated video clips, and integration with Livepeer for smooth livestreaming experiences.

How will this deliverable benefit the Livepeer ecosystem?

This deliverable will showcase Livepeer's versatility and effectiveness in supporting interactive livestreaming applications. By demonstrating Livepeer's role in facilitating real-time video processing, transcoding, and delivery, our project will attract more developers and content creators to the Livepeer ecosystem, fostering its growth and adoption.

Please break up your development work into a clear set of milestones

Start Date
End Date

Prototype testing and refinement, including integration with Livepeer for video uploads and playback. Additional development done with contractors.

Prototype of the application with Livepeer integration for video uploads and playback, ready for testing with a small group of users.

3/25/2024 UTC
4/15/2024 UTC

Research and development phase, refining user interface and functionality. Two developers and one UI/UX designer will work on this milestone.

Completion of user interface design and initial development of application features allowing viewer interaction with livestream visuals.

3/4/2024 UTC
3/25/2024 UTC

Final development phase, addressing any remaining issues and preparing for production launch. We will create a fully functional application launched to production, providing users with interactive livestreaming experiences powered by Livepeer.

A production livestream activation

w/100 IRL attendees

200 livestream attendees

100,000 social impressions

500 AI generated assets created for livestream

20 creators onboarded to app

Use case filed in AI Sweden + Stockholm AI, ready to present inSingapore during SuperAI June '24

Presentation submitted for AI Lund+ Nordic Wow

The completion of these milestones includes a 6k success bonus

4/15/2024 UTC
5/18/2024 UTC

What is the total amount requested (in USD)?


Specify your team's long-term plans to maintain this software and upgrade it over time

Continuous updates and maintenance for user feedback and performance improvement. Ongoing Livepeer integration optimization for seamless video processing. Sustained support for app functionality and addressing emerging needs. Persistent AI research and user feedback integration for competitive edge.

Please describe (in words) your team's relevant experience, and why you think you are the right team to build this project. You can cite your team's prior experience in similar domains, doing similar dev work, individual team members' backgrounds, etc.

Our team boasts extensive experience in both the creative and technical domains, making us well-suited to tackle the challenges of this project. With backgrounds in AI, video production, software development, and project management, we have successfully executed numerous projects in similar domains. Our prior achievements include developing the first AI NFT Progressive Web Application on Lens, conducting large-scale AI activations, and organizing live shows with audience visuals. Individually, team members have notable accomplishments such as performing sold-out shows at prestigious venues, managing brand activations for global companies, and leading development teams in various tech ventures. Together, we possess the unique blend of skills and expertise necessary to bring this project to fruition.Our target user group consists of livestream viewers interested in interactive visual experiences. We plan to reach them through targeted marketing efforts on social media platforms, partnerships with relevant influencers and content creators, and outreach to communities interested in AI and livestreaming technologies. Additionally, we will leverage our existing network and collaborations with industry partners to expand our user base.

Who is your target user group? How do you plan on getting your users to use this?

Our target users are artists and brands seeking interactive visual experiences. We'll engage them through social media marketing, influencer partnerships, and community outreach in AI and livestreaming. Leveraging existing networks and industry collaborations will further expand our user base.

How did you learn about the Livepeer Grants Program?

We learned about the Livepeer Grants Program through Shannon and Hansy. We are active members of the AI video Discord community for Livepeer. Additionally, we have previously engaged with Livepeer through a proof of concept conducted last year on AI video applications.

Was this project started at a hackathon or another web3 event? Which one?


Please include any additional information that you think would be useful in helping us to evaluate your proposal.

You can see my presentation on AI & Co-creation at this year's edition of ETH Denver