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Web 3 Edi #50

Closed cryptotwilight closed 1 year ago

cryptotwilight commented 2 years ago

Give a 3 sentence description about this proposal. The Web 3 Edi is an opensource and new decentralized educational learning experience powered by Livepeer. It provides permissionless learn to earn broadcast, recording and nft course minting to digital communities. In short with academy box you own your educational experience.

Describe the problem you are solving. The challenge with Web2 educational platforms is two fold, first the attribution rates are not high leaving instructors feeling unrewarded for their efforts. Second for students they have no way to share their learning or recoup their investment beyond applying their new knowledge, think all the ancient text books you still have from school.

Describe the solution you are proposing. The solution to this challenge is to provide a platform that enables instructors to better engage and deliver value to their audiences availing them of new methods of commercialising content such as Web3 tips, money streams, drips and more. For students the solution is to enable them to mint their learning experience on completion and trade them on open platforms.

This is Web 3 Edi. We enable instructors to broadcast and monetize their communities using Livepeer and we enable students able to mint and monetize their completed course experiences.

Describe the scope of the project including a rough timeline and milestones The scope of this project will be to further develop the Web 3 Edi project post hackathon* over a 3 month timeline:

Technology - Milestones

Business - Milestones

Please estimate hours spent on project based on the above The estimate is approximately 720 person hours split across a team of three over a period of 3 months.

nelsorya commented 2 years ago

Hey @cryptotwilight, thanks for making this proposal. Could you tell us more about what you already built at Web 3 Con? Is there anything you can share?

cryptotwilight commented 2 years ago

Hello @nelsorya thank you for getting back to us. Please find below a link to the Github Repo and a link to our live demo. Repo: Demo:

Thank you

nelsorya commented 2 years ago

Hey @cryptotwilight thanks for sharing this. This looks great. With these proposals, we typically break up the grant across the milestones. We also like to set a success metric linked milestone (e.g 20k video views on the platform). So for this proposal, we would propose we break up the grant like so.

cryptotwilight commented 2 years ago

Hey @nelsorya thank you so much for this! We're totally stoked! We had a chat and we're happy to go with the proposed milestones. We anticipate it will take us about 6 to 8 weeks to deliver the first 4 milestones. With 20k views surpassed after a further 4 or 5 weeks. Please let me know what else you need from us so we can kick off.

Thank you


nelsorya commented 2 years ago

Hey @cryptotwilight, that's great. We are happy to be fund this. Let's create a shared chat on discord where we can provide support and talk next steps. I'm Nelson#6080 on discord.