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Simple, Scalable, Serverless Arbitrum RPC #84

Closed AuthorityNull closed 1 year ago

AuthorityNull commented 2 years ago

Give a 3 sentence description about this proposal. This proposal simplifies the configuration, management, and operations of Arbitrum RPC endpoints. Using serverless technology with “Edge Compute” Workers, we built a custom proxy to enable simple load balancing and failover support for several Arbitrum RPC endpoints with zero downtime for orchestrators. While the community Arbitrum node is a great solution, this adds further functionality, scalability, and redundancy.

Describe the problem you are solving. Managing the evolving Arbitrum RPC ecosystem is complex, time-consuming, and expensive, regardless of technical aptitude.

Describe the solution you are proposing. A totally open source serverless approach to Arbitrum RPC access using Cloudflare workers.

Describe the scope of the project including a rough timeline and milestones

Phase 1 - 7/15/2022 7/31/2022 - Fully completed

Phase 2 - 7/22/2022 - 08/17/2022 - Fully completed

Final Phase 3 - 8/15/2022 - 09/15/2022 - To be completed

Additional Task - Code Enhancement

Please estimate hours spent on project based on the above Phase 1 - 30 hours (completed) Phase 2 - 32 hours (completed) Phase 3 - 28 hours (pending)

Total hours: 90 at $125/hr Total cost: $11,250 Hours completed: 62 = $7,750 Hours pending: 28 = $3,500

Franck-UltimaRatio commented 2 years ago

This proposal deserve a grant ! All our nodes actually working like a charm since few weeks with part of this project in developement.

Stronglikebull111 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for doing this work! This is tremendous for the LivePeer community! Such value! Plan to use immediately…

papabear99 commented 2 years ago

Since moving to L2 RPC stability has been a major pain point for most Os including myself. During this time I have used Alchemy, Infura, the Offchain Labs public node, running a private node, and the Community node. So far the Cloudflare Serverless RPC solution is the only one that has proven 100% reliable. The reliability of this setup is IMO invaluable to the Livepeer network.

Titan-Node commented 2 years ago

Love it! A potential huge breakthrough for Livepeer node uptimes. Just as long as Arbitrum chain does not go down, all Livepeer nodes can hopefully achieve near 100% uptime

0xcadams commented 2 years ago

Cool! I haven't been following very closely, but is this a proxy server for the community arb node? What other providers would it proxy to?

AuthorityNull commented 2 years ago

Cool! I haven't been following very closely, but is this a proxy server for the community arb node? What other providers would it proxy to?

This can be used with any and every RPC including the community node and is easily managed through Cloudflare's UI.

monitor-ap commented 2 years ago

Thank you for putting forth the effort. This will be a game changer for stability and uptime!

Pon-node commented 2 years ago

I've been running this set up nearly a month now and did not see any outages on my orchestrators, meaning my up time is great and it can help everyone to keep their orchestrator up even if one of the RPC ends fails. You can add as many as you want RPC ends to it! In last couple months we all been pulling our hair out due to RPC end issues and this is solution that will help to keep your orchstrators running!!!!!

RyanC92 commented 2 years ago

This is awesome, its been a huge pain point for orchestrators to find a reliable RPC solution, if this is it then we need this ASAP! Great job guys.

MnrGreg commented 2 years ago

Out of interest, will the more stateful filter polling methods still work when using RPC-over-HTTP or will we need to use Websockets for these?

mikezupper commented 2 years ago

Out of interest, will the more stateful filter polling methods still work when using RPC-over-HTTP or will we need to use Websockets for these?


That’s a good question. It was not intended to be stateful. I did not test any web socket scenarios. Livepeer has a very niche set of rpc methods it uses. My suspicion is that it does not work. But I’m not 100% sure… please test it out and let me know what you find. It may be an easy fix!

AuthorityNull commented 2 years ago

Out of interest, will the more stateful filter polling methods still work when using RPC-over-HTTP or will we need to use Websockets for these?




Mike wrote the code for this so I'd take his word for it! There's a guide available for getting this up and running if you'd like to play with it:

mikezupper commented 2 years ago

Out of interest, will the more stateful filter polling methods still work when using RPC-over-HTTP or will we need to use Websockets for these?


Interestingly enough, Cloudflare does support web sockets. This maybe an upcoming test ;)

nelsorya commented 2 years ago

Hey @AuthorityNull, thanks for putting this together. This looks like a very well-thought-through proposal with a lot of the work already completed. It's also great to see the community support behind this proposal. We are excited to fund this with the phases and amounts you outlined above.

adrianmyatt commented 2 years ago

I've moved most of my nodes across and setup was straightforward. Mike ran through the configuration so I understand the basics of how it works and can make adjustments as needed. I've only been running this for a few days but so far have seen no rate limiting.

This is a good alternative for load balancing multiple RPC sources and removes the need to manually switch nodes between providers when they rate limit or go down.