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Livepeer protocol
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deploy: Delta production deployment scripts #631

Closed victorges closed 11 months ago

victorges commented 11 months ago

What does this pull request do? Explain your changes. (required) This is to update and create deployment scripts in order to update Delta (LIP-91 and LIP-92) to production.

Specific updates (required)

How did you test each of these updates (required)

Does this pull request close any open issues? Implements PRO-32


victorges commented 11 months ago

FTR I've created a fork on Tenderly and ran the deployment script over there to ensure the expected behavior:

Will follow-up later with simulating the governance script to register contracts on controller.

victorges commented 11 months ago

@yondonfu FYI added 2 more utilities here:

LMK if you'd suggest anything, like including that "verify delta deployment" task in here as well or if its fine like this. Tomorrow I plan on merging this and running the contract deploys. Will ping you about how we should merge this into confluence branch for the deploy.

victorges commented 11 months ago

FTR this is the second fork I made, where I ran both the contract deploys and the governance actions:

Unfortunately, controlling the block number of the fork is harder than I thought, so I couldn't advance the round to test treasury contribution. What I might do next is make a fork right at the beginning of a round, so I can initialize it myself after making the deploy.

The code changes for that deploy is on this branch: Where I also wrote a task to verify the delta deployment and it is currently passing.

yondonfu commented 11 months ago

Unfortunately, controlling the block number of the fork is harder than I thought, so I couldn't advance the round to test treasury contribution.

You should be able to control the block number using the evm_increaseBlocks Tenderly RPC call when connected to the fork JSON RPC URL.

victorges commented 11 months ago


You should be able to control the block number using the evm_increaseBlocks Tenderly RPC call when connected to the fork JSON RPC URL.

Yeah, I did do that and expected it to work, but it just stayed on the same block. I used this task and it has no effect no matter how many blocks I increase:

import {task} from "hardhat/config"
import {ethers} from "ethers"

const BLOCK_PERIOD = 12 // seconds

    "Helper task to increase the block number in the current EVM"
        "How many blocks to increase by (defaults to 1)"
    .setAction(async (taskArgs, hre) => {
        const {network} = hre

        const provider = network.provider
        const blocks = parseInt(taskArgs.blocks ?? "1")

        await provider.send("evm_increaseBlocks", [
            ethers.utils.hexValue(blocks) // hex encoded number of blocks to increase
        // helpfully increase the time by 12s per block as well
        await provider.send("evm_increaseTime", [
            ethers.utils.hexValue(BLOCK_PERIOD * blocks) // hex encoded number of seconds

Maybe it is increasing the L2 block number instead of the observed L1 block number. Couldn't find any docs on increase L1 block number on an arbitrum fork instead.

victorges commented 11 months ago

OK I managed to deploy an AdjustableRoundsManager as the RoundsManagerTarget on the fork, and am able to manipulate the observed L1 block number now as well :)

Was then able to adjust the block to the next round after deploy, initialize that round and run some reward calls observing the 10% of the rewards going to the treasury [1] :)

All transactions inspectable on the fork here [2] and the corresponding code/deployment registry on that same branch [3]

Pending now only updating the deploy docs here and merging the PR into delta branch. Then we can start doing the real thing :)

[1] [2] [3]

victorges commented 11 months ago

Unintended close 😅

yondonfu commented 11 months ago

Maybe it is increasing the L2 block number instead of the observed L1 block number

Ah I think you're right that's probably what is happening.